Specialist Task Force 542:
Pilot test plan for interfacing oneM2M platform with Agriculture machines and standards
Who we are:
Team leader: |
Team Member: |
What we do
By making use of oneM2M standards, the STF 542 plans to study and produce a Technical Report providing the necessary input (parameters and measurement methods) for a pilot Plugtests™ event to validate the possible cooperation between the ETSI oneM2M standards and AEF ISOBUS standards implemented for communication inside and between agriculture & forestry machines. The STF will also make recommendations on the changes or new specifications that could be done to oneM2M standards to enable the cooperation mechanism.
ETSI TC ITS standards, such as ETSI EN 302 637-3 (Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service) or ETSI EN 302 637-2 (Cooperative Awareness Basic Service) are part of this cooperation in the use case to be demonstrated.
The main scenario envisioned for the pilot Plugtests™ event consists in the dissemination of a warning message to vehicles passing-by as soon as an agriculture or forestry equipment from the fields has been detected to exit on the road. The coordination between the detection of this event and the sending of the notification message will be done using an oneM2M gateway in the tractor.

For more details, see our Terms of Reference
Why we do it
In many cases, the definition proposed by horizontal sectors is not correlated to the needs of the end-users in vertical applications. It is thus necessary to collect the real needs from the end-users or at the level of the data machine producers’ level. In the agricultural domain, the soil definition, the certification of the pulled equipment, all these KPIs are developed at the level of the vertical sector and an alignment of the sector with the main stakeholders of the industry already exists.
The agricultural industry is supplying a diverse market and is driven by innovations of numerous manufacturers. The objective of the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) is the interoperability of different manufacturer’s equipment via common standards. The ISOBUS standard (ISO 11783) is a family of fourteen standards that specify the communication between connected Electronic Control Units (ECU) on the vehicle network of tractors and self-propelled agricultural machines as well as on detachable, pulled farm equipment. Parts 1 to 14 of the standard cover all layers of the protocol stack ranging from a Controller Area Network (CAN) topology at the physical layer up to the specification of control functions and Virtual Terminal (remote control) sessions on application layer. All communication utilizes industry-wide standardized data dictionaries.
The benefit brought by the STF is the definition of new interfaces between the oneM2M platform, and the ETSI TC ITS standards and ISOBUS standard developed by AEF in the agriculture vertical sector respectively. It will make a step forward in the progress to enable the interoperability between vertical sectors. However, the inter-working between the oneM2M platform and the ISOBUS standard is the main focus of the STF.
In addition to the ISOBUS standard, AEF publishes a set of guidelines (functional safety, implementation, etc.) and conformance tests. The ISOBUS standard, together with these AEF guidelines and documents applied for the exchange of data between a tractor and an implement are a good candidate to provide the basis to develop the IoT technical specifications for all Ag equipment in the context of IoT.
How we do it
The work of the STF has been split into 3 main tasks:
Task T3: Production of the test definition and guidelines
Objectives: This task will take the result of Task T2 and prepare the technical description of the test to be performed, including the selected parts and functions of the collaborating ISOBUS / oneM2M / ITS architectures, the message flows and their parameters.
It will finalize a Technical Report containing:
- the data model to be used in the test,
- the protocols to be used and their interfaces, parametrization,
- the data management for the exchange of information,
- the data security and safety.
The leading TB is TC SmartM2M. The contact person is the TC SmartM2M Chairman, Enrico Scarrone. The planned work will involve relationship to ETSI internal groups such as TC ITS and TC Cyber, and external groups such as CEMA (European Agricultural Machinery) or AEF (Task T1).
Technical Report TR 103 645: Smart M2M; Test Definition and guidelines for testing cooperation between oneM2M and Ag equipment standards
Time plan
DTR/SmartM2M-103545 Test Definition and guidelines for testing cooperation between oneM2M and Ag equipment standards
• Start of work Dec. 2017
• ToC and scope 31-12-2017
• Early draft 05-02-2018
• Stable draft 28-04-2018
• Draft for approval 30-06-2018
• TB approval 01-08-2018
• Publication 15-09-2018
For further details, or if you wish to be involved in the work of the STF, please contact the STF
Leader by email: michelle.wetterwald@gmail.com
This information is based upon STF working assumptions.