The Partnership Engagement Process (PEP) describes all
the necessary steps required for the establishment of a partnership agreement (e.g.
Co-operation Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding and Letter of Intent). ETSI's Partnership Engagement Process is discribed in the ETSI Directives
(Technical Working Procedures area under 1.8.1 Partnerships).

Identify/Initialize the request

The Partnership request is triggered and justified by a TB or an ISG. Partnerships can also be triggered at the initiative of the Director-General and/or the Board. It can also be triggered at the request of a potential Partner. The request is processed by the ETSI Secretariat (External Relations/Partnership Officer) who initiates discussions with the Partner in question on the appropriate type of Agreement.

The ETSI secretariat and the Partner determine, the type of Partnership Agreement, Letter of Intent (LoI), Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), or Co-operation Agreement (CA), to follow. The ETSI Secretariat and the Partner jointly produce the draft Agreement including Annexes.
If concrete promotional activities are
identified the Comunications and Events departments are to be informed and consulted if
Approval Process

The finalized and agreed text by both parties is presented by the ETSI secretariat to the OCG (for endorsement, proper co-ordination of technical activities and eventual advice), followed by the Board (for endorsement) and, finally, submitted to the ETSI General Assembly for final approval and consequent signature by the ETSI Director-General.
The Partnership will be duly signed
by both partners, in two original paper copies. One copy is to
be kept by the ETSI Secretariat.
The partner is to communicate who will
be the contact point within his organization. The ETSI External
Relations/Partnership officer is the ETSI official and main contact. For technical
matters he will closely collaborate with an identified Secretariat Contact Point.
Finally, the new partner will receive a
“Welcome pack to the ETSI world” (Annual report, Overview brochure on
ETSI, etc.) and will be invited to attend (or to speak if relevant) to
the ETSI GA where the respective partnership is to be approved.
For further information please contact