Preparatory meeting travel expenses reimbursement
ETSI will reimburse the travelling and subsistence costs for the candidates, according to the ETSI STF/TTF Mission Travel Rules:
ETSI may reimburse directly the expert for the participation, on personal bank account, because the contract is not established yet.
In order to obtain the reimbursement, candidates will have to:
- complete the Travel Expenses Reimbursement form
- include the original receipts of expenses (flight ticket included) or an invoice with copy of the bills, if the original bills must be retained by the traveller's Company;
- include a copy of the first page of the invitation (containing the invite list)
- send to the following address:
ETSI 650, route des Lucioles,
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
For more information you can contact STFLINK
Case of non reimbursement:
- Daily allowance is not admitted.The time spent to attend the Preparatory Meeting is not remunerated.