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EC/EFTA funding

STFs spontaneous proposals to DG GROW can be submitted twice a year according to the EC/EISMEA Calendar

STFs requested under the EC/EFTA budget can be submitted when the EISMEA Call is open (twice or thrice a year) and must respond to a Mandate, to the Single Market Program or, AUWP (latest version here) or one of the domains set in the Rolling Plan for ICT standardization (2023 ICT RP updated on 2023-08-24)

The Technical Proposal will be submitted for OCG/Board consultation (2 weeks) and, after resolution of comments, to EISMEA evaluation.  

If the evaluation is positive, a contract will be established between the EC/EFTA and ETSI for funding the STF.

The approval process for EC/EFTA funding has a longer lead time but can release resources for larger and longer-term projects.
STFs proposal for EC/EFTA may include consultation and dissemination activities.

When the submission period is opened, OCG and Board members will be notified.

STF proposals must be submitted to the ETSI Secretariat and RBs will be able to upload their proposals here

Contact for more information the Head of Funded Activities: