Specialist Task Force 459:
Priority Activities relating to Testing Compliance & Interoperability and Trust
Applications Service Providers
Who we are:
Team Leader: Juan Carlos Cruellas (UPC) cruellas@ac.upc.edu
Team Members: Jörg Apitzsch (bremen
Luca Boldrin (InfoCert)
Andrea Caccia (Knowledge works)
Santino Foti (Criticalpath)
Paloma Llaneza (Llaneza A+A)
Luigi Rizzo (InfoCert) luigi.rizzo@infocert.it
Arne Tauber (Siftung)
Laurent Velez (ETSI)
What we do:
The STF-459 is one of the three STFs (the other two are
and STF-458)
that are going to implement Phase 2 of the Electronic Signature Mandate/460
requirement for a “rationalsed European eSignature standardisation framework”.
The activities of the STF-459 fall within the two following areas:
Registered Electronic Delivery. The STF is going to generate
a Special Report, which will include a proposal for a
rationalised, and well-organized set of standards for Electronic
Delivery Applying Electronic Signatures fully aligned with the
principles, criteria and structure of the Rationalised Framework
of Electronic Signatures (the Rationalised Framework henceforth).
This Special Report will complement the aforementioned
Rationalized Framework for this specific type of Trust Services
Providers using Electronic Signatures.
- Testing interoperability and conformance. In this area, the
STF aims at producing a set of ETSI Technical Specifications
(ETSI TSs) and software tools that will help to accelerate the
generation and deployment of systems that ensure true
interoperability of electronic signatures across the European
a. The STF will generate a set of
ETSI TSs that will define test suites for
testing interoperability of Advanced Electronic
Signatures (including their Baseline Profiles)
in their different formats, Containers of those
signatures, and also Trusted Lists of
Certification Services Providers.
b. The STF will also generate a
set of ETSI TSs that will define complete test
suites for testing compliance of Advanced
Electronic Signatures, Containers and Trusted
Lists, against the corresponding European Norms
(under development in STF-458) specifying such
signatures, containers and lists.
c. The STF will develop a set of
software tools for automatically test compliance
of Advanced Electronic Signatures and
Containers, and deploy them in ETSI portal for
Electronic Signature (as it is currently
deployed the XAdES Baseline Profile Conformity
Testing Tool).
d. In addition, the STF will
elaborate a plan for coordinating activities
dealing with testing interoperability and
conformity, with those activities dealing with
the actual development and promotion of a
selected set of standards in the Rationalised
Framework. This will be done in close
co-operation with the ETSI Centre for Testing
and Interoperability (ETSI CTI), and the already
mentioned two STFs.
For more details, see our
Terms of Reference
Why we do it:
Testing compliance and interoperability is a vital element of
standardisation. Once the standards have been fully defined then true
interoperability is achieved once implementers have demonstrated compliance to
the standard and the ability to interoperate with other implementations. The
ETSI TSs defining tests suites for testing interoperability and for testing
compliance, and the set of software tools that test compliance of signatures
against the standards that define them, are parts of the holistic package (conceived
by ETSI), of tools for supporting and accelerating the deployment of
interoperable Electronic Signatures across Europe. The third part of this
package is the ETSI Electronic Signatures Portal, a portal that supports Remote
Interoperability and Conformity test events. The products generated by the STF-459
are crucial for the completion of this package.
Registered e-Delivery has been identified as an important
component of a number of electronic services such as e-Justice and e-Procurement.
Such a service ensures that users can have strong evidence of the delivery of
information needed to conduct electronic transactions, thereby avoiding any
uncertainty over the status of any transaction. It is recognised that electronic
signatures form an essential element of e-Delivery, however it has yet to be
established what features will be needed for e-Delivery. This has similar
properties to the existing standardised approach for registered electronic mail
(REM) but because of the potential interactive nature of e-Delivery services
variations of these features may well be necessary. At present a high variety
of solutions have been specified (and some of them even implemented total or
partially). The EC, aware of this disparity of solutions and its inherent
danger, is requesting to the relevant players in the e-Delivery arena to provide
a clear effort to achieve convergence in these different solutions.
How we do it:
Regarding the production fo Rationalised framework of
Standards for Electronic Delivery Applying Electronic Signatures, the STF is
going to conduct a study on Electronic Delivery standardisation requirements,
which will drive the generation of the framework. This activity will encompass
the activities of some key LSPs (like e-Codex, e-Sens and others that very
likely will be born during this phase), will closely work with them and will
develop the part of the Rationalised Framework on Electronic Signatures on this
field, so that ETSI TC ESI may launch as quickly as possible the corresponding
efforts to produce the corresponding standards. In fact some members of this STF
are also active members in e-Codex, e-Sens and have participated in other
relevant LSPs in this field, like BUSDOX and STORK. Additionally, ETSI has
itself become a member of e-Codex, which ensures the presence of ESI TC members
in its activity and a fluent exchange of information.
As for the report that will coordinate the activities on
interoperability and conformity tests, the STF team will coordinate with the
STFs in charge of the development of the different areas of the Rationalised
Framework and ETSI CTI all the required activities dealing with the organization
of interoperability tests events and conformity tests events (including
provision of resulting feedback), with the production of Technical
Specifications required for these types of tests, and with the development and
deployment of conformity tools. The STF will identify the critical ENs whose
adoption and deployment would largely benefit from this type of events and tools,
and for each, it will identify those relevant aspects that have to be subject of
interoperability tests. It also will agree with those entities a sensible
scheduling for interoperability test events that ensures first that a reasonable
amount of tools are available at the market for being tested, and second, that
these tests may actually impact in due time the standardisation process,
allowing the ENs to fix any interoperability problem or ambiguity identified by
the participants in these events. Finally, it will also define the scheduling of
conformity testing tools development and deployment. The task will also define
when and how these tools have to be made available to the community.
As for the generation of the ETSI TSs that will define tests
suites for testing interoperability and conformity, the STF will take benefit of
STF-428’s legacy. That STF generated a first version of ETSI TS 119 1444 Part 2:
“Test Suite for PAdES interoperability test events” v1.1.1, ETSI TS 119 164
Part 2: “Test Suite for ASiC interoperability test events” v1.1.1, and ETSI TS
119 134 Part 5: Conformance Testing for XAdES Baseline Profile” v1.1.1. The STF
will also review current state of the conformance assertions technologies as
they are key to the definition of conformance tests. The STF will continuously
survey the progress of the ENs by the other STFs, in order to ensure that these
ETSI TSs correctly deal with any change and evolution in those ENs. A certain
degree of shared membership (some members of this STF are also members of the
others) will ensure an accurate knowledge of that progress.
Finally, as for the development and deployment of the
conformance testing tools for the different formats and profiles of electronic
signatures, the STF will take advantage of the legacy of STF-428, which
developed the XAdES Baseline Profile Conformance Testing Tool and deployed it at
the ETSI Electronic Signatures Portal, as this will be the starting point for
further developments.
Below follows the list of deliverables to be produced by the STF-459, as per its
Terms of Reference:
WI DSR/ESI-00125
Testing interoperability and conformity activities to be run during the implementation and promotion of the Rationalised Framework of Electronic Signatures |
TS 119 124 |
CAdES Testing Compliance and Interoperability |
TS 119 134 |
XAdES Testing Compliance and Interoperability |
TS 119 144 |
PAdES Testing Compliance and Interoperability |
TS 119 154 |
Testing Compliance and Interoperability of AdES in Mobile Environments |
TS 119 164 |
ASiC Testing Compliance and Interoperability |
TS 119 614 – Part 2 |
Test suites and tests specifications for Technical Conformity and Interoperability Testing of Trusted Lists |
Report |
CAdES and CAdES Baseline Conformity Testing Tools documentation (companion document of the corresponding tools) |
Report |
XAdES and XAdES Baseline Conformity Testing Tools documentation (companion document of the corresponding tools) |
Report |
PAdES and PAdES Baseline Conformity Testing Tools documentation (companion document of the corresponding tools) |
Report |
AdES usage with Mobile Environments Conformity Testing Tools documentation (companion document of the corresponding tools) |
Report |
ASiC and ASiC Baseline Conformity Testing Tools documentation (companion document of the corresponding tools) |
Report |
Trusted Lists Conformity Testing Tool documentation |
SR 019 530 |
Rationalised framework of Standards for Electronic Delivery Applying Electronic Signatures |
SR 019 530 |
Rationalised framework of Standards for Electronic Delivery Applying Electronic Signatures |
Time plan:
Please indicate the expected time scale for the production of the
deliverables, including intermediate milestones (e.g. stable draft, WG approval,
TB approval).
Belows follows the time plan for this STF.
WI DSR/ESI-00125
M1 = 30/6/2013. Stable Draft for Public Review. Consolidated work plan draft for comments.
M2 = 30/9/2013. Final report for TB approval |
TS 119 124
TS 119 134
TS 119 144
TS 119 154
TS 119 164
TS 119 614 – Part 2 |
M1 = 28/2/2014 Stable drafts for public review. The degree of maturity of each document will depend on what is agreed by the STF at the beginning of its activities. Nevertheless, each part draft shall include clear indications of the scope covered by each test suites.
M2 = 31/12/2014. Set of complete drafts for public review.
M3 = 30/9/2015. Final drafts for TB Approval
M4 = 31/12/2015 Publication as TS. |
CAdES tools
XAdES tools
PAdES tools
AdES in Mobile Environments tools
ASIC Tools
Trusted Lists Tools
M1 = 31/12/2013. First set of conformity testing tools partially or completely developed and their corresponding documents. The exact contents of this set will depend on the work plan defined at the beginning of the STF.
M2 = 31/12/2014. Second set of conformity testing tools and their corresponding documents. At this point in time some of them will be fully developed.
M3 = 31/12/2015. Full set of conformity testing tools and their corresponding documents completely developed.
SR 019 530 |
M1 = 30/9/2013. Stable draft for public review.
M2 = 31/12/2013. Complete Draft for public review.
M3 = 28/2/2014. Final Draft for TB Approval
M4 = 30/4/2014. Publication as Special Report. |
SR 019 530 |
Rationalised framework of Standards for Electronic Delivery Applying Electronic Signatures |
How to contact us:
Juan Carlos Cruellas:
This information is based upon STF working assumptions.
The views expressed do not necessarily represent the position of ETSI in this
Last updated: 2013-04-17 15:59:45