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Specialist Task Force 354:
Guidelines and Tutorials for Improving the User Experience  
of Real-time Communication Services

The following are now available - Please take a look and give us your feedback!

Who we are: 

Team Leader:Bjørn Hestnes
Team Members: Carl Aaby
Peter Brooks
Helge Hüttenrauch

What we do:

This STF focuses on improving the user experience of real-time communication services for:

  • person-to-person interaction (e.g., multimedia conferencing) 
  • person-to-machine interaction (e.g.,  mobile TV)

 The STF is producing: 

  • An ETSI Guide of user-centred guidelines based on measures of user behaviour and expressed in relation to technical QoS
  • A web-based system that enables:

o advanced navigation among the guideline set of the ETSI EG

o increased understanding and application of the guidelines though on-line tutorials

  • An ETSI Technical Report of future requirements based on the evolution of technologies and the development of user and market requirements.

Read our Terms of Reference

Why we do it:

The successful introduction of real-time communication services is complicated because:

  • they offer users the opportunity to interact using different media (e.g., text, audio, graphics, video and data)
  • different communication services may be more or less appropriate for different users and user tasks
  • different implementations of technical QoS parameters may influence the quality of the users' experience. 

Time plan for the work:

Publication of the ETSI Guide: March 2010

Publication of the ETSI Technical Report: November 2009

Completion of the Web-based Guideline and Tutorial System: February 2010

How to contact us:

If you would like more information, please contact

The STF Members. From left to right: Helge Hüttenrauch, Bjørn Hestnes and Peter Brooks

(Carl Aaby is not present).


This information is based upon STF working assumptions.
The views expressed do not necessarily represent the position of ETSI in this context.

Last updated: 2013-04-24 11:19:32