Specialist Task Force 601:
Cross-domain usability of IoT devices for humans and machines
Who we are:
Team leader:
Team Members:
Steering Committee
- TC SMARTM2M Chairman, Enrico Scarrone, Telecom Italia S.p.A., Enrico.Scarrone@TelecomItalia.it
- TC SMARTM2M Vice-Chair, Francisco Da Silva, Huawei Technology
Sweden A.B,
- TC SMARTM2M Technical Officer, Patrick Guillemin, ETSI, patrick.guillemin@etsi.org
- Laurent Velez, ETSI and oneM2M, Laurent.Velez@etsi.org
What we do
The purpose of the STF 601 is to cover a missing key link of the IoT
eco-system chain: standardization of usability of the data and services
that the IoT devices and platforms deliver.
The work will identify use cases where the IoT data and services require
usability specifications. The data that IoT devices and platforms
provide should be easily accessed, understood and acted upon by a large
non-technical public in the case of humans (e.g. medical teams and their
patients in the medical sector, mechanics in the automotive sector,
first responders in the emergency sector, etc.) and by
machines and processes when the data are fed to the AI components of a
system (e.g. machine learning).
This also means that the IoT technologies, devices and platforms
themselves can be trustily used according to their initial objectives
(e.g. easy installation, configuration, operation and maintenance).
Based on these use cases, requirements and guidelines will be derived
towards a horizontal cross-domain standard, with the specification of
minimum requirements for usability of professional and general public
IoT services, whether they are critical or not.
For more details, see our Terms
of Reference
Why we do it
Usability of the data and services that the IoT devices and platforms
deliver is a key issue not yet addressed (results of STF 505 TR 103 376
and AIOTI Gaps report Release 2 published in Jan 2020)
In addition to user experience (ergonomics) or the accessibility of the
ICT equipment, the usability topic should also be considered from a data
and service point of view, i.e. usability of the data and services that
the IoT devices and platforms deliver
This work complements the other AI TC SmartM2M activities, including
both the consideration of the use of AI in IoT systems for semantic
interoperability and for the development process of ontologies
themselves - in particular the SAREF family of ontologies -, as well as
the addressing of opportunities for improving AI systems performance
through the use of oneM2M
Standardizing the usability of data and services from IoT devices and
platforms will have a strong impact on big data and AI technologies.
Usability can be considered as a consumer and an enabler of AI:
- Making use of AI for knowledge presentation and management
(organization and visualization) for both machines and humans
- Improving configuration and management tasks at IoT devices and
platforms increases the reliability of the data used by AI
How we do it
The work of the STF has been split into three main tasks. It is
performed under the guidance of ETSI TC SmartM2M. Other WGs may provide
support to the activities where additional feedback is needed, e.g.
Task 1 – Project Management and coordination with other organizations
(leader: Michelle Wetterwald)
Objectives: Provide appropriate development of the work in term of
quality and timely delivery to ETSI TC SmartM2M.
Another objective of this task is to ensure that the STF fluently
interacts with relevant actors (especially oneM2M) in order to ensure
that the work is well coordinated and synchronised.
Task 2 - Use cases related to usability of IoT devices and their impacts
for humans (leader: Jumoke Olumide)
Objectives: Use the base documentation described in section 4.1 of the
ToR to:
- identify, select and describe use cases where the IoT data and
services require usability specifications for human (mainly)
non-technical users (for example medical teams and their patients in
the medical sector, mechanics in the automotive sector, first
responders in the emergency sector, etc.)
- identify, select and describe use cases where the IoT data and
services require usability specifications for machines consuming
data for AI (for example machine learning). Enabling usability with
AI approach will also be considered.
- analyse the impact of these use cases from the usability point of
Task 3 - Specification of cross-domain usability of IoT devices (leader:
Mauro Dragoni)
Objectives: Progress from the results of Task 2 to:
- define minimum requirements for usability of IoT data and
services, whether they are critical or not.
- develop a horizontal cross-domain specification
The STF will produce the following deliverables:
- TR 103 778: SmartM2M; Use cases for cross-domain usability of IoT
devices (Rapporteur: Jumoke Olumide)
- TS 103 779: SmartM2M; Requirements and Guidelines for cross-domain
usability of IoT devices (Rapporteur: Bob Flynn)
Time plan
Work Item DTR/SmartM2M-103778 (TR 103 778):
- Early draft 2021-04-15
- Stable draft
- Final draft for approval 2021-09-27
- TB approval
- Publication
Work Item DTS/SmartM2M-103779 (TS 103 779)
- Early draft
- Stable draft
- Final draft for approval
- TB approval
- Publication
For further details, or if you wish to be involved in the work of the
STF, please contact the STF Leader by email: