Specialist Task Force 421:
G5 radio conformance testing in support of Interoperability
Who we are:
Team Leader: Friedbert Berens, FBConsulting ,
Team Members: Madalena Tepelmann, Testingtech,
Dieter Smely, Kapsch,
Peter Schmitting, FSCom,
Sebastian Müller, ETSI CTI,

Why we do it:
ITS for road safety in the 5.9 GHz range contributes to the general goal of
reducing accidents and fatalities.
The expectation is that the market for ITS safety systems will be established.
An important prerequisite is the testability of the devices and the system for
certification purposes. The STF should develop a set of test specification for
the IST G5 Distributed Congestion Control behavior and the ITS-G5 Coexistence
behavior towards CEN DSRC tolling systems. Both operations and mechanisms are
heavily interrelated and the definition of the needed mitigation mechanisms will
influence the DCC definition and testing and visa versa.
For more details, see our
Terms of Reference
How we do it:
The STF421 has the charter to develop a set of test specification for two
domains of the ITS-G5 system, namely the
→ Coexistence between the ITS-G5 system and the CEN DSRC tolling system and
→ The distributed Congestion Control subsystem
The STF will use the available TSs and the set of specification being
developed in the scope of the STF420. Based on these inputs the STF421 will
develop the test specification sets for performing the needed test operations.
By implementing a close collaboration between the STF421 and the STF420 (ITS G5
channel configuration) the access to the needed test points will be organized.
In addition the STF421 will support the investigations of the coexistence
characteristics between the ITS G5 systems and the CEN DSRC systems. The results
of these investigations will be used for a proper definition of the needed
coexistence tests of a ITS G5 system.
Time plan for the work:
The STF will produce the following deliverables:
- Coexistence Test Specification: DTS/ITS-0040022 (PICS): TS 102 916 -1
- Coexistence Test Specification: DTS/ITS-0040023 (TSS&TPs): TS 102 916 -2
- Coexistence Test Specification: DTS/ITS-0040024 (ATS): TS 102 916 -3
- Distributed Congestion Control Test specification: DTS/ITS-0040025
(PICS): TS 102 917 -1
- Distributed Congestion Control Test specification: DTS/ITS-0040026
(TSS&TPs): TS 102 917 -2
- Distributed Congestion Control Test specification: DTS/ITS-0040027 (ATS):
TS 102 917 -3
The STF will deliver the full set of specifications until the end of June
2012. Draft versions will be available in Q4/2011.
How to contact us:
If you would like more information, please contact the STF Leader:
This information is based upon STF working assumptions.
The views expressed do not necessarily represent the position of ETSI in this
Last updated: 2013-04-13 17:33:40