Specialist Task Force 584:
Artificial Intelligence for IoT Systems
Who we are:
Team leader:
Team Members:
What we do
The objective of STF 584 is to provide an initially validated
architecture that describes how IoT systems can make use of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for the
management and interpretation of IoT devices data over a large
variety of deployment models (e.g., edge or cloud-based) while
remaining interoperable, secure and manageable. The challenge is
On the one hand, the use of AI and ML techniques are expected
to improve drastically the quality of the decisions that can be
taken from the analysis of the massive amount of data that is
generated by the IoT devices. An example of the new applications and
services opportunities offered is predictive maintenance: its goal
is to predict component failure and to prevent the occurrence of the
failure by performing maintenance. Predictive maintenance brings
together various technologies, several of them pertaining to
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, such as ad-hoc
statistical analysis, predictive modelling, data mining, text
analytics, optimization, real-time scoring and machine learning.
These techniques support IoT systems administrators by identifying
specific patterns in data and make decisions about how to handle
what may happen next. The adoption of such AI and ML techniques
require the integration of a large number of functions (and
associated components) that must be done while preserving the
interoperability and openness in the system.
On the other hand, considering that AI and ML are requiring
specialised components and intensive computing resources, their
usage is associated with additional stringent requirements that have
an impact on the IoT system architecture. Consequently, another
major objective of this proposal is to identify the requirements for
the extension/adaptation of the IoT architectures in order to better
integrate AI/ML techniques and ensure that the associated management
of data is well handled by the IoT Service Layer.
The rationale for such adaptations will be clarified by an
early proof of the validity of the approach based on significant Use
Cases and on a prototype implementation of that use case. The
purpose of the Proof of Concept activity is to provide a set of
results that will serve as an input and an accelerator to further
standardization work, in particular through the contributions of
SmartM2M to the work of oneM2M.
The applications of AI are concerning a large number of the
“verticals” that are addressed by the work of ETSI Technical Bodies
and ISGs. Examples of such sectors are the Automotive (with the
major case of the ITS Technical Committee) or Smart Cities (with
important aspects such as Smart Energy, Smart Buildings or Smart
Water Management). Even if those sectors have strong specificities,
it is highly possible to outline commonalities on the required
evolutions and this should be demonstrated through the analysis of a
relevant Use Case that will serve as a support to the analysis and
the development of an early validation.
The analysis and early validation of the application is meant
to be very focused and as little resource consuming as possible. A
major focus of the work will be the contribution to the required
evolutions of oneM2M and SAREF and, most importantly, to the
required dissemination effort towards the oneM2M and SAREF
communities. It is expected that the STF results be provided in a
way that will allow oneM2M members to promote their adoption in the
oneM2M specifications.
For more details, see our Terms of Reference
Why we do it
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently experienced significant
breakthroughs, in part due to its ability to build on the promises of
both Big Data and Machine Learning (ML) and offer a vast range of
promising new services. The applications of Artificial Intelligence
technologies are emerging in a large range of Industries and start to
provide added value to many ICT systems, including IoT systems. In the
vast number of new applications of AI announced daily, still a large
number is more expectations than actual implementations based on
proven science and technology. In the case of IoT, the situation is
not different, and many hurdles still have to be passed before fully
catching IA as a business opportunity.
AI is already present in a number of applications in domains such as
finance, health, logistics, smart buildings or manufacturing,
especially when the deployment of AI algorithms within existing
systems is supported by very powerful data management and computing
capabilities. In the same movement, it is gradually integrated within
of all kinds of networks and support a growing number of deployment
models, those cloud-based to start with. There is a potentially large
variety of AI applications, but they all have in common the need to be
supported by a proper architectural structure, a capacity to easily
integrate technology building blocks and components and the need to
guaranty continued interoperability.
For oneM2M, Artificial Intelligence comes as a challenge and an
opportunity. One the one hand, AI is posing a challenge to oneM2M
because of its data-centric approach and its huge requirements in
terms of resources available in the cloud domain as well as at the
edge of the IoT network. A global approach to the management of data
and the deployment of innovative algorithms requires adaptations to
the oneM2M architecture that, in any case, already started in order to
take into account virtualisation or Big Data. On the other hand, AI is
also an opportunity for oneM2M to provide open solutions to
applications and services developers together with maintaining and
enlarging its core asset of support to interoperability.
How we do it
The STF is integrated within the Work Programme of the SmartM2M
Technical Committee (Smart M2M TC).
Apart from the task related to the STF project management (Task 1),
the STF works on the development of the deliverables of the STF (i.e.
Technical Reports) and on the dissemination of the results towards the
oneM2M community within the following tasks:
- T2 Identification of Architecture
T3 Proof of Concept
- T4 Dissemination towards oneM2M and
the IoT community
The following technical reports (TR) are developed:
- ETSI TR 103 674: SmartM2M; Artificial Intelligence and
the oneM2M architecture
- ETSI TR 103 675: SmartM2M; AI for IoT: A Proof of
Time plan
The work of the STF has started on January 6th, 2020 and will be
finished by the end of December 2020. The main milestones of the
project are listed in the table below:
/ Milestone / Deliverable
Target date
Detailed specification of use cases: early draft of ETSI
TR 103 674
29 February 2020
Architecture evolutions: stable draft of ETSI TR 103 674
30 April
Use cases for Proof of Concept: early draft of ETSI TR 103 675
29 May 2020
Architecture evolutions: final draft of ETSI TR 103 674
PoC architecture: stable draft of ETSI TR 103 675
18 June 2020
Final use cases implementation approved by ETSI/CTI
30 September 2020
Final use cases implementation presented and discussed with
Deliverables and Final report approved by TC SmartM2M
30 October 2020
Deliverables published and STF closed
31 December 2020
Please contact us via email: emmanuel.darmois@commledge.com