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STF Process calendar

ETSI Board evaluates technical proposals and decides on budget allocation.

Calendar for a possible second allocation of the ETSI STF budget 2025 Allocation (for urgent requests)
Until 21 May 2025: Proposals for urgent STF requests can be submitted here, using the latest template from here. You also need to submit the PowerPoint presentation for your project (PPT_template).
Board#153  (17 - 19 June 2025) will evaluate the proposals and decide to grant funding out of the contingency budget.


Calendar for allocation of the 2026 FWP budget


Calendar for the 2026 FWP Allocation calendar

Until 02 September 2025

Collect draft ToR from Reference Bodies (RB)

download Template with instructions

and the Presentation of STF proposals in PowerPoint here

Please upload your contribution here.

03 September - 23 September 2025

Consistency check between ETSI Secretariat and RBs

Full ToR are RB approved and made available 

24 - 26 September 2025

During a session dedicated to STF/TTF review, Board#154 evaluates the proposals and approves the funding (subject to definitive approval by the autumn GA)

02-03 December 2025

ETSI 2065 budget, including FWP budget, is approved at GA#86













If the request concerns the continuation of an existing STF activity, the Reference Body (RB) must provide an overview of the results achieved and resources spent by the previous STFs in this domain.

The ToR must provide a detailed description of the work to be done and an accurate estimate of the maximum budget required to perform the work.

The ETSI Secretariat will make a consistency check of the STF request and may come back to the RB Chair with comments and/or proposals to improve the ToR and/or the presentation of the business case to the OCG/Board.  If it is not possible to achieve an agreement on the consistency check, the document will be submitted to the OCG/Board consultation according to the instruction of the RB Chair but with comments from the Secretariat.

The STF requests must be approved by the Reference Body before being submitted to the OCG/Board. 

Given the time constraints, if the draft ToR have not been approved by the Reference Body before the proposal submission, then the approval calendar must be identified in the ToR.