PNNSbreadcrumb separatorProtocol Specification Allocationbreadcrumb separatorETSI PANA AVP Codes

List of PANA AVP Codes allocated by ETSI

The following is the list of AVP Codes allocated by ETSI, to be used with ETSI’s enterprise number (13019) as the Vendor-ID in the AVP header.

ETSI generally allocates a block of 50 AVP codes to each specification in which PANA AVP codes are specified. 

AVP Code Attribute Name Specified in ETSI Specification:
Note:  The AVP codes from 1 to 699 are reserved for future use.
700 M2M-Usage-Type TS 102 921
 701 M2M-Bootstrap-Result
 702 M2M-Connection-Result
703 M2M-Node-ID
706 M2M-SP-ID
 707 M2M-Connection-ID
 708 M2M-Encr-Encap
 709 M2M-IBE-Params
 710 M2M-DSCL-ID
 711 M2M-MID-SEC
 713 M2M-Erase-Token
 714-749 Reserved for future use in TS 102 921