H.248 / Megaco Names
H.248 / Megaco profile names, package names and IDs are generally
administered by IANA.
ETSI CTI can request H.248 profile or package names or IDs on behalf of
All H.248/Megaco profile or package names etc. allocated by IANA are
listed at the following page:
IANA have also allocated a profile namespace to ETSI, in which ETSI
can allocate its own H.248 profiles. ETSI CTI administers this
namespace. All profile names registered in the ETSI namespace are
prefixed with 'ETSIprof_'
Registration procedure
To request a profile registration in the ETSI H.248 profile
namespace, please send an email to
Please provide name, e-mail address, and details of the ETSI TB for
which the registration is required.
Please provide a copy of the (draft) specification for which the
registration is required.
The profile name shall be in the form 'ETSIprof_
', and the
maximum length of the profile name shall be 64 characters. Profile
names are case insensitive.
Profile name registration is performed on a first-come, first-served
To request a profile or package registration from IANA, please
send an email to
Please provide a copy of the (draft) specification for which the
registration is required.
H.248 / Megaco registered profiles and packages
No AVP specific values which require global management have yet been
assigned by ETSI.