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Term Of Reference for ERM TGDMR: Digital Mobile Radio 

Approved at ERM#20, change from ERM TG32 DMR to ERM TGDMR at ERM#25, revised at ERM#26


  1. Develop and maintain, upon the request of TC-ERM, standards and technical reports, ensuring the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum, primarily for private/professional land mobile radio systems.
  2. The following areas of work will be covered:
    • Data equipment, including digital speech equipment
    • Small land mobile radio systems
    • Citizen’s Band equipment
  3. Maintenance action on existing standards in the field of private/professional land mobile radio systems covers the following twelve standards: EN 300 086, EN 300 113, EN 300 296, EN 300 341, EN 300 390, EN 300 471, EN 300 753, EN 301 166, EN 301 391, EN 300 135, EN 300 433, EN 301 783.
  4. The task is to develop an ETSI Technical Specification (TS) for low cost, low complexity, digital mobile radio systems (DMR) complying with EN 300 113, with a ‘polite’ spectrum access protocol for channel sharing situations and using proven techniques.
  5. The task is to develop an ETSI Technical Specification (TS) for low cost, low complexity, digital private mobile radio system complying with EN 301 166, operating in peer-to-peer-mode (DigitalPMR 446).
  6. The task is to develop a new harmonized standard for Broadband Disaster Relief applications to be used by emergency services in disaster situations.