TC ATTM Working Group TM_mWT - Terms of Reference
The new WG TM_mWT in TC ATTM focus on Fixed Radio Services, defined in accordance with the Radio Regulations (1.20) as: fixed radio service: A terrestrial radiocommunication service between specified fixed points.
The TOR of the new WG TM_mWT:
• The forthcoming new technologies/techniques related to Fixed Radio Service equipment and network evolution (i.e. new KPI for backhaul, wireless front-haul, SDN standardization and plugtest, …).
• ETSI Technical Reports and Technical Specifications aiming to support the smooth introduction into the market of new technologies/techniques.
• Cooperation and advanced technical support towards ECC/PT SE19 on new technologies to improve spectrum usage in the frequency bands allocated to fixed service (*).
(*) Radio-frequency matters that may affect CEPT/ECC radio-frequency allocation and policy are excluded. In any case, co-ordination with ETSI TC ERM will always be ensured.
The purpose of the WG is to provide a platform and opportunity for companies, organizations and any other stakeholder involved in the traditional microwave (6-42 GHz) and millimetre-wave (50-300 GHz and above) industry chain to exchange technical information as follows:
• Sharing pure technical information (i.e. on trials aimed at propagation channel model verification, interference simulation, …) in order to prepare White Papers and Presentations to increase the level of confidence by the operators worldwide in the use of traditional microwave and millimeter-waves
• Making it possible for all stakeholders involved in the FRS integrated use into fixed transport network to obtain the latest technical information including latest research results, promoting cooperation and technical progress but always avoiding commercial issues and always under compliance with the relevant competition laws.
The WG aims to be a worldwide initiative with global reach.
Collaboration with other bodies
ETSI groups
• 3GPP
External groups
• Broadband Forum