TC ATTM Working Group TM 4
Terms of Reference
Approved by ATTM#16
The Working Group TM 4 in TC ATTM will be responsible
Specifications for point-to-point and multipoint radio systems, in the fixed service used in core and access networks (including mobile service backhauling); all equipment aspects including antenna parameters are covered. Close liaison should be maintained with other ETSI bodies (e.g. ETSI TC BRAN) which might be affected by the harmonised standards produced within TM4. Radio-frequency matters that may affect CEPT/ECC radio-frequency allocation and policy are excluded;
- Functional requirements for radio-frequency equipment interface, including allocation of overhead;
- Cooperation and technical support towards ECC/PT SE19 for channel arrangements and improved spectrum usage in the frequency bands allocated to fixed service (*);
In addition, liaisons and co-operations will be maintained, whenever necessary, with other Bodies in ETSI, CEPT/ECC and in ITU-R (in particular WP 5C dealing with Fixed Service) and other relevant standardization groups (*) on the above mentioned issues and other aspects relevant to fixed radio systems and related equipment and network design.
(*) In any case, co-ordination with ETSI TC ERM will always be ensured.