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Terms of Reference for OCG (Operational Co-ordination Group) 

Version adopted by Board#144a (15 November 2023)

 A) Scope

1. The Operational Coordination Group (OCG) will act as a focal point and a forum for co-ordination of the Technical Bodies (Technical Committees, ETSI Projects), Industry Specification Groups (ISGs), Software Development Groups (SDGs) and Coordination Groups (CGs), and between the TBs, ISGs, SDGs, CGs and the Secretariat.

It shall resolve, as far as possible, any duplication of effort or conflict of technical views between the TBs to reinforce co-operation between the Technical Organization, the ISGs, the SDGs and the CGs.

The OCG is a group reporting to the Board and as such shall not be considered itself as a Coordination Group as defined under 5.2 of the Rules of Procedure.

2. The OCG shall report to the Board and refer to the Board issues which it cannot resolve.

3. In particular, the OCG shall:

a) provide an opportunity for TB, ISG, SDG and CG Chairs and ETSI representatives to CGs initiated by external bodies to exchange information and experiences; and to discuss any issues prior to formal resolution of substantial objections in the Board;

b) respond to Board requests for information;

c) take advice from the Board on the implementation of ETSI policies, Board and General Assembly decisions;

d) make proposals to the Board for changes to the Technical Working Procedures;

e) seek to improve the effectiveness of operations within the Technical Organisation and continually monitor the potential synergies among the TBs, ISGs, SDGs, CGs, and with external bodies. This would result in the OCG making proposals to the Board for closures or mergers of TBs, ISGs, SDGs, CGs and/or the establishment of Partnership Projects;

f) make recommendations to the Board on the allocation of resources for STFs and on the proposed technical testing roadmap and priorities for TTFs;

g) raise any major issues of concern within the Technical Organization, the ISGs, the SDGs and the CGs to the Board;

h) seek information from the TBs and ISGs on new Work Items, planned or commenced.

4. The OCG may, if required, create topic specific sub-groups and ad-hoc groups.

B) OCG meetings

  • TB Chairs, who shall endeavour to ensure that their TB is properly represented in OCG meetings;
  • ISG Chairs;
  • SDG Chairs;
  • Chairs of CGs initiated by ETSI;
  • ETSI representatives to CGs initiated by external bodies;
  • Board members;
  • the Director‑General;
  • Secretariat members;
  • Counsellors;
  • ETSI members, who may attend as Guests.

2. The OCG will meet as required in order to carry out its duties.

- Meetings may be convened for specific issues at the request of the OCG Chair (requests by three (3) or more TB Chairs shall require the OCG to call an additional meeting).

3. The agenda of the OCG meetings shall be structured according to subject or work.

4. The OCG shall work on a Consensus basis wherever possible. However, indicative voting by a nominated representative from each TB may be used for Consensus building.

5. The OCG shall be chaired by a Vice-Chair of the Board or another Board member if the Vice-Chair is unavailable.

C) OCG sub-groups and ad hoc groups

1. OCG ad-hoc groups may be established for specific issues at the request of the OCG.

2. OCG sub-groups may be established at the request of the OCG to cover OCG matters targeting a particular set of topics involving all or a defined sub-set of the TBs.

3. The OCG shall be responsible for establishing the Terms of Reference of these groups and appoint their Chair.