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Terms of Reference for OCG sub-group on Radio Equipment Directive and EMC Directive (OCG RED‑EMCD)


Revised at ETSI OCG #57 on 22/09/2015

1. Responsibility

The main responsibilities of ETSI OCG RED-EMCD are:

  • promote the use of the ETSI deliverables supporting the preparation of Harmonised Standards.
  • provide the overall coordination and policy direction of the ETSI activities in support of the RE-D and EMC-D and their future updates.
  • report to the OCG, EC/EFTA and respective ETSI Technical Bodies as required.
  • provide a working interface between ETSI and EC/EFTA in response to relevant EC/EFTA mandates, taking due account of the need for Harmonised Standards to reflect the essential requirements and for other deliverables to facilitate the correct application of the RE-D and EMC-D and their future updates, taking due account of the relationship with other Legislations and Directives.
  • review the overall ETSI work programme in support of the RE-D and EMC-D and their future updates.


2. Organisation and working methods

  • OCG RED-EMCD shall work in accordance with the ETSI Directives.
  • OCG RED-EMCD shall provide progress reports to the ETSI Board and OCG as requested.

Chairing of the Group

  • The Chair of ETSI TC ERM will act as Chair of the group. The committee may appoint Vice-Chairs as necessary. A secretary will be provided by the ETSI Secretariat.

3. Participation

  • Membership of the group is open to all ETSI members.
  • Members of the ETSI Secretariat (e.g. Technical Officers) are invited to participate as required and/or represent their respective technical body(ies) when requested to do so.
  • EC/EFTA are invited to participate as ETSI Counsellor in the group.

Note:    EC/EFTA are also the customer for Harmonised Standards (HS) prepared by ETSI.


The OCG RED-EMCD sub-group (initially OCG R&TTED Steering Committee) was established by OCG#07 (26-28 January 1999). The following table shows the history of the updates of the ToRs:

January 1999 (OCG#07)

Creation of OCG Steering Committee R&TTE

June 1999 (OCG#08)

ToRs approved [ETSI/OCG8(99)RTTE, Annex A]

October 2002 (OCG#15)

ToRs updated [ETSI/OCG15(01)RTTE].

May 2003 (OCG#20)

ToRs updated [ETSI/OCG20(03)30].

October 2005 (OCG#27)

ToRs updated [ETSI/OCG27(05)17].

October 2007 (OCG#33)

Clean-up and change of status from “steering committee” to permanent “sub-group” [ETSI/OCG33(07)12]

January 2014 (OCG#52)

Update to better fit the suggested template from the OCG Secretary and to accommodate for the future revisions and replacements of the EMC and R&TTE Directives [ETSI/OCG(14)52_047r1]

September 2015 (OCG#57)

Update of the OCG R&TTED ToRs to reflect the proposed change of name of OCG R&TTED to OCG RED-EMCD. [ETSI/OCG(15)57_xyz]