Chairman: Brian Copsey
ETSI Safety will be responsible for:
- ETSI deliverables (in whole or in part) dealing with telecommunications equipment safety;
- Co-ordination of ETSI positions on the telecommunications safety requirements;
The activities of TC Safety will thus fall largely into four broad areas:
1) to identify telecommunications equipment safety requirements including those which are essential requirements of Directives;
2) to map the telecommunications equipment safety requirements onto those which are laid down in IEC 60950;
3) to consider the safety requirements as laid down in IEC 60 065 which are relevant in cases where consumer electronic equipment is combined with telecommunications equipment, e.g. Set Top Boxes;
4) preparation of ETSI deliverables (mainly guidance on how to refer to safety requirements);
5) co-ordination of ETSI positions for liaison with outside bodies.
ETSI Safety will also provide ETSI with a centre of technical expertise in the safety fields, able to offer advice to ETSI Technical Bodies, the ETSI Board and the General Assembly.