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Terms of Reference for Working Group 3: Transport and Network 

Approved at ITS#02 


Working Group 3 shall develop ETSI deliverables for the data transport and network protocol layers and management of these layers.

In particular this includes:

  • Development of a network architecture which covers existing and future wireless and wired technologies and various application services for any kind of ITS users, including vehicle drivers and passengers, railway users, pedestrians, bicyclists and other; 
  • Harmonization of the network architecture with the overall ITS system and protocol architecture;
    Development of novel networking protocols for ITS, such as ad hoc and multi-hop routing protocols, reliable transport protocols over multi-hop routing, and others; 
  • Integration of dedicated ITS network protocols and transport protocols with the Internet protocol suite and IP mobility extensions; 
  • Work out solutions for internetworking between access networks; 
  • Ensuring that the networking and data transport protocols and algorithms 

o Are efficient, scalable and reliable;
o Protect the user's privacy and ensure security;