TB SiteMapbreadcrumb separatorBOARDbreadcrumb separatorETSI Board Contribution Procedures

Board Contribution Procedures

Board Contributions

Board members (OCG members) shall consult the Board Chair or the Board Secretary before uploading a contribution for a Board meeting to allow the contribution to be recorded in the draft agenda and timely discussed in the Board.

Board members (OCG members) shall use the Portal interface to reserve and upload their contributions for the Board meetings.

ETSI Secretariat staff shall send their contributions to the Board Secretariat Support who will reserve and upload the contribution to the Portal.

BOARD members: Contributions made to Board meetings and Board subgroups are made on a personal, and not company, title.

OCG members:  Contributions made to Board meetings and Board subgroups are made on a company or "ETSI official" title.

ETSI Secretariat: Contributions made to the Board and Board subgroups are made on behalf the ETSI Director-General.

Contributions: When reserving the contribution in the Portal,  the contribution should be renamed and the document/cover page updated with the corresponding filename.  

E.g. Source: Xxxx Xxxxx Board Member For: Discussion/Decision/Information


8. Board documentation

8.1  Documents for Board meetings shall be numbered as per clause 1.5.3 of the Technical Working Procedures, BOARD(17)XXX_xxx.

8.2  The "Cut-off date" for Decision documents will normally be at 7 days prior to the meeting. The submission date of the document will be indicated in the top right hand corner. If the submission date is after the "cut-off" date then a cross will be put in the "late submission" box. Revised documents will show their new submission date but will not be marked as "Late submission".

"Late submission" does not prevent the Board from taking a decision based on the document but such a decision may be deferred at the request of any Board member who feels that he/she has not had sufficient time to consider the issue. Deferral can mean either "Decision to be taken by correspondence" or held-over until next Board meeting, depending upon the issue.

8.3  Board documents shall be classified as being for DECISION, DISCUSSION or INFORMATION. 

The Board may, of course, take decisions based on a Discussion/Information document provided that there are no objections. 

Documents provided for INFORMATION will only be presented during the meeting when necessary to support a Decision/Discussion document, otherwise they will simply be noted afterwards in the minutes of the meeting as "Document XXX was provided for information".

NOTE: Paper copies of documents shall no longer be provided on a routine basis.