ETSI GA Terms of reference
The General Assembly (GA) is the highest decision making authority in ETSI and is responsible for determining policy, budgets, for dealing with membership issues, external agreements, and for approving the Rules of Procedure for the Institute.
The GA normally meets twice per year (Spring & Autumn) and its operation is governed by Article 11 of the Statutes of ETSI.
Full members, Associate members and Observer members have the right to attend GA meeting, as do the Counsellors (EC/EFTA).
In addition, representatives from non-member organizations/institutes may be invited to attend as Guests.
Full members have the right to vote on all issues. Voting is performed either by Weighted National Voting or Weighted Individual Voting (as specified in the RoP) depending upon the issue.
Associate members have the right to vote on all issues except for:
- decisions relating to the admonition, termination and rights of full members,
- matters concerning documents intended for regulatory use by the European Union,
- standardization policies intended to meet the needs of the European Union,
- priorities in the work programme on matters that apply exclusively inside the European Union,
- where Weighted National Voting applies.
Basically, the GA is responsible for:
- adoption of the Statutes & Rules of Procedure (RoP).
- membership of the Institute.
- election of officials of the Institute, i.e. GA Chair; GA Vice-Chair; Board Chair; Director-General.
- appointment of Board members.
- adoption of the Budget, Account, membership contributions and the related Financial Regulations.
- appointment of the auditor.
- setting policy and operational structure.
- resolving disputes.
- approval of the ETSI Work Programme (EWP) and the Technical Working Procedures (TWP).
More detail can be found in Article 3 of the Rules of Procedure.