Term Of Reference for BROADCAST, Joint EBU/CENELEC/ETSI Technical Committee
Accepted ETSI/TA23(95)40a1
- To prepare standards for broadcast systems(*) for television, radio, data
and other new services via satellite, cable, SMATV and terrestrial
- To prepare standards for the primary transmission of programmes or
programme material. Such transmissions include both contribution and
distribution circuits;
- To prepare standards for the secondary transmission of programmes intended
for the general public. Such transmission would include cable networks and
distribution systems, and B-ISDN networks;
- To prepare standards for the above and for the equivalent receiving
- To assess the work performed within the framework of the technical module
of the DVB MoU, CENELEC and ETSI TCs as well as EBU working parties and
keeping appropriate liaison with them.
- To propose any appropriate action to
make the elaboration of these standards the most efficient possible,
including work programme allocation, where necessary;
- To prepare, when appropriate, draft contributions to world-wide
standardization bodies and European legislative bodies (e.g. EU);
To provide a forum for discussion on broadcast standards for broadcasters,
programme providers, telecommunication agencies, radio regulatory
authorities, manufacturers and other institutions relevant to the interests
of the EBU, CENELEC and ETSI;
To review its Terms of Reference when appropriate, and make proposals for
changes for the joint approval of the EBU Technical Committee, CENELEC
Technical Bureau and General Assembly / or Board as appropriate.
(*) In this context, the specification of a broadcast system defines the
emission-reception combination.