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Terms of Reference (ToR) for ETSI Project  End-to-End Network Architectures  (E2NA ) 

Approved at ETSI Board#89


  • Focus on fixed access & networking services, including interconnection to other networks (including mobile networks) and related testing.
  • Not duplicating what is in the scope and specified by 3GPP, OneM2M and any other ETSI group that is responsible for specific technologies:
  • Develop and maintain a global end-to-end system view in cooperation with other external groups including standardization organizations and fora, encompassing terminals, customer networks, access networks, core networks and application servers, using different technologies.
  • Contribute to provide a long-term vision on evolution of networks, including convergence.


Coherent with its mission and limits there from, in collaboration and accordance with other relevant entities.

  • Be responsible for the coordination of the relevant work of the member TBs and of  the specifications in the following areas:

o    Next generation and future networks technologies

o    Architecture and framework for fixed mobile network interconnection

o    Migration across network generations

o    Network Management

o    Content Distribution Networks

o    Numbering Naming Addressing and Routing

o    Network Testing (conformance, interoperability, performance, security)

o    Security

o    Customer networks

o    Access Networks

  • Provide architecture and protocol specifications for use in networks, addressing the control, data and management planes in both the service and transport layers (including transmission functions and infrastructure aspects) of these networks.
  • Identify, monitor, and reuse as appropriate, relevant work undertaken in other ETSI TBs, organisations, fora, consortia & collaborative research projects which is important for delivering end-to-end network standardization and adapt/integrate it, as required.
  •  Provide in particular capabilities' enablers specifications in response to regulatory requirements (privacy, lawful interception, emergency calls, interconnection, etc.
  •  Make sure specifications consider the efficient use of limited network-associated resources, e.g. numbering, radio spectrum.
  •  Ensure specifications maximise energy efficiency of the networks and services end-to-end.

Areas of activity

Coherent with its mission and limits there from in collaboration and accordance with other relevant entities develop and maintain specifications for:

  •  A global end-to-end system architecture, in cooperation with other external groups including standardization organizations and fora.
  • Network Interconnection

o    between fixed networks

o    between fixed and mobile networks, in cooperation in particular with 3GPP and BBF    

o    between and with Content Delivery Networks

o    between Public networks and corporate networks including business trunking

  • Control architectures for interpersonal communications and content services, including but not limited to use of RTC-Web technologies in managed networks, CDN architectures.
  • AAA architectures for fixed networks
  • Policy Control architectures for fixed networks.
  • Enablers and associated APIs to allow applications to access network resources (e.g., network-based authentication, location information, content caching etc).
  • Network-hosted enterprise services (including Network as a Service).
  •  Migration from Content Delivery Networks to Information Centric Networking.
  •  Customer Area Networking, including relevant developments of DECT, PLT and other emerging technologies.
  •  Network security and end-to-end security.
  • Mechanisms for ensuring Network QoS.
  • Network support for Law Enforcement and Emergency Services and other regulatory requirements.
  • Management and control of networks and services, considering also self- and autonomic management.
  •  Network conformance and interoperability testing
  • Network performance and security testing.

For all the above tasks, the group will coordinate its activities with those of other groups in ETSI already addressing similar topics or complementary ones. It will also identify and monitor relevant work items of independent external entities which are important for network standardization.

It is recognized that specific parts of architecture and technology are being developed and standardized for different sectors of the telecommunication industry. These specific parts remain of interest to the member TCs and are expected to be developed by them independently.

This project inherits activities and has the responsibility for maintenance of deliverables created by TC TISPAN and its predecessors.

Project structure

ETSI Project E2NA is initially composed of the following ETSI organizations:

  • Technical Committees

o   ATTM

o   DECT

o   INT

o   MCD

o   PLT


E2NA will have a Plenary Assembly responsible for the technical program of the project and its management and organisation, assuring an end to end system view and global consistency of the results produced.

Overall service requirements and architecture will be defined at EP level while detailed technical work (detailed architecture and protocols) will be delegated to the relevant member Technical Committees.

Collaboration with other bodies (both inside and outside ETSI)

Coherent with its mission and limits there from, EP E2NA will:

  • Cooperate with 3GPP, BBF and any other groups on relevant topics, including fixed and mobile interconnection and harmonization;
  • Provide overall guidelines to other ETSI Technical Bodies to ensure a co-ordinated approach to the development of standards for public networks, including requirements from private networks; Act as the primary contact for co-ordination between ETSI and the ITU-T Study Groups involved in current and future network technologies
  • Act as the primary contact  for liaising and collaborating as appropriate with the CEPT/ECC WG NaN (Numbering and Networks) for non-spectrum related issues;
  • Collaborate with relevant groups on aspects related to energy efficiency;
  • Liaise and collaborate with the European Commission on regulation, EC Directives, Mandates and other relevant issues;
  • Co-ordinate positions on network aspects and related issues towards IETF.