TISPAN activities
TISPAN Activity Report 2011
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Terms of Reference for TISPAN WG3
(Competence centre protocols definitions)

TISPAN WG3 is responsible for:

  • Defining all aspects of Protocols: protocol definition, protocol requirements, protocol mapping, protocol profiles, analysis of protocols developed by other bodies, protocol extensions and inter-working specifications.


  • Adaptation and standardization of end to end call control protocols and extensions for networks (core and access) and CPE, including but not limited to: SIP , SIP-T, BICC, PSTN/ISDN etc…
  • Adaptation & standardisation of Resource Control Protocols for networks (core & access & terminals), including but not limited to MEGACO / H.248 protocols, etc…
  • Adaptation & standardisation of Bearer Control Protocols for networks (core & access & terminals), including but not limited to MPLS, H.245 etc…
  • Standardization and inter-working for Service Control protocols, including but not limited to API specification & API mapping of Service level APIs for Open Service Access;
  • Standardization of Transfer Mode protocols, including but not limited to: DTM, etc...
  • Standardization of inter-nodal Transport protocols and mechanisms for networks (core and access) including:
  • Adaptation and standardization of reliable signalling transport for signalling, including but not limited to: SCTP, etc..

  • Standardization of transport mechanism for the User Plane.

  • Consideration and standardization of the security aspects relating to the signalling and user plane transport protocols.

  • To consider the impact on protocols:

  • For NAT (Network Address Translation) and ENUM (Enhancement of Numbering and Naming) in the
    context of network security and the network access from terminals and firewalls

  • For network address and naming translation policies

  • For regulatory requirements  (e.g. CLI and emergency services)

  • For QoS level provisioning and related control protocols

  • Evolution of ISDN/PSTN networks for interoperability of services for fixed (e.g. ISDN, TIPHON) & mobile networks (e.g. 3GPP) and the intelligent home networks using common protocols with regard to call control and the application interfaces.

  • Maintenance of existing protocols developed by TISPAN, TIPHON, SPAN, SPS, NA, BTC, etc including: ISDN network signalling system No.7 (ISUP, BISUP, MTP, SCCP, S-AAL and OMAP); ISDN access signalling systems DSS1 and DSS2; ATM; INAP; access signalling configurations V5.1, V5.2 and VB5; MTP, SCCP & Transaction Capabilities;

Collaboration with other bodies (both inside and outside ETSI)

  • Co-operation with ETSI TBs and other standardisation bodies and fora active in the same and related areas e.g. ITU-T SG9, SG11, SG16, ANSI, IETF, MSG, MSF, 3GPP.

see also: WG1 | WG2 | WG3 | WG4 | WG5 | WG6 | WG7 | WG8


Last updated: 2009-06-04 16:40:16