Fixed Competence Centre
ToR     Summary
Working methods

Work item form

NGN@HOME workshop

AT Related Agreements
AT support team

R&TTE Directive
eCommunication Directives

eEurope Drafts
earlier TBRs

ITAAB - Old Versions "Handling of glitches when performing tests D.4.4 and D.4.6.1 of ETS 300 012, or test B.2.5 and B.2.6.1 of TBR3" "TTCN description of preamable PRE_F3_CP" and "Additional French requirements for ISDN" "Testing to be performed for Basic Access Layer 1, including variations of Power Sources to be applied during testing of Electrical Characteristics", "Problem with performing the electrical characteristics tests at Basic Access Layer 1 for TEs with an unstable state F3", "Output jitter test of TBR 12 and TBR 13", "Test case selection to be performed for Basic Access and for Primary Rate Access for layers 2 and 3", Testing to be performed for Primary Rate Access Layer 1", "CRC processing and generation of CRC error reports: Monitoring contiguous E bits" and "Basic Access Layer 1 tests with problems for Unstable state S4 at layer 2" "CRC processing test Procedure Change", "Requirements to EURO-ISDN basic access terminals capable of handling only incoming or only outgoing calls", "Approval of TE's capable of automatic inter-working between equipment with and without CRC-4 capability" and "Problem with performing the functional characteristics tests at Basic Access Layer 1 for TEs with an unstable state F3" "Use of preferred/exclusive bit in the RESTART ACK PDU  in TC 19003" "Connection of the simulator to the IUT", "Layer 3 default DF69901", "Layer 3 response time in layer 2 tests", "Information element checking in layer 3 TC20002", "Layer 2 test case TC27031" and "Postamble CHECK_F1" "Clarification on measurements on TEs with volume control" "Errors in the Requirements table in Annex A of the TBR 33 for on-demand layer 1 requirements" and "Overvoltage Protection"


Last updated: 2007-03-19 14:38:37