2025-01-17 Version 2.1
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EOL User Guide Work Programme
Pre-Defined Reports: Candidates for Stopping and Outdated Target Dates

These two reports are designed to focus on work items where progress is not meeting expectations. They are primarily intended for the TB officials, to be used to keep the work programme current.

'Candidates for Stopping' shows work items where no achieved date has been recorded in the database during the last 12 months.

'Outdated Target Dates' shows work items where the target dates for non-achieved milestones are in the past (i.e. the database is not up to date).

It is possible to select one or more Technical Bodies of interest (for more than one TB, hold the Ctrl button and click on those of interest).

It is also possible to select or deselect the working groups of a TB by checking the 'Include Working Groups' box.

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