2025-02-16 | Work Programme | Version 2.1 |
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The ETSI Work Programme Simple Search engine is designed to allow users the facility to search for ETSI Work Items using a limited amount of search criteria. It is typically aimed at first time users, i.e. those people with a limited knowledge of ETSI.
ETSI consists of a number of Technical Bodies responsible for certain areas of the ETSI work programme. With this drop down menu you can select the technical body whose work items you are interested in. Most Technical Bodies have working groups and their work items will automatically be included in the results of your search. If you wish to select more than one technical body then hold the Ctrl button and click on each Technical Body of interest. Alternatively you can leave this space blank and search for work items related to all technical bodies. By default, only active technical bodies appear in the list. If you are interested in the work items of inactive technical bodies then click on 'Include Non-Active TBs'.
An ETSI document number is given once a document has entered the public domain and is made up of two parts, the document type and a string of figures. In the TYPE drop-down menu you can select the type of document you are looking for, e.g. MI, EN, ES, EG, TR, TS. You also have the option to leave the type blank and search for all document types. In the NUMBER box you can type in the ETSI number if known, or a part of the number. The * symbol can be used as a wildcard to replace any unknown number or letter. Note that the MI TYPE does not result in the production of a document so there will be no corresponding NUMBER.
Here you have the option to narrow down your search for work items by selecting their current status within the ETSI standardization process. The categories available are: Published: a work item which has resulted in the publication of an ETSI document (i.e. the work has been completed). You will be able to download a pdf version of the document free of charge. Approval stage: a work item which is undergoing one of the ETSI Approval stages (see SMP) and has therefore been made publicly available. You will be able to download a pdf version of the document free of charge. Drafting stage: a work item where the work is still being drafted within the Technical Body and has therefore not yet been made publicly available. New Work item: a work item which has been recently created by the Technical Body. Withdrawn: a work item where the resulting ETSI document has been withdrawn by the Technical Body (some time after publication) due to it being either superseded by a later version or due to it being rendered obsolescent. You will still be able to download a pdf version of the document free of charge. Historical: a work item where the resulting ETSI document has been designated historical by the Technical Body. This means that some or all of the content is considered in some way obsolete and will therefore not be maintained but that it is still considered to be useful to keep the document in the public domain. You will still be able to download a pdf version of the document free of charge. Stopped: a work item where the Technical Body has decided to stop work some time before completion because the work was considered to be no longer useful. Transferred: a work item which has been transferred to another technical body. Currently you will need to view the 'Remarks' section of the detailed work item report to find the work item to which it has been transferred.
In order to narrow down your search even further you have the option to specify a date, 'Day', 'Month', 'Year'. For example, in 'Current Status' you select 'Published' and in the 'Achieved Status Since' you specify 28/09/1999. The search results will show you all work items, which have been published after 28th September 1999.
This option gives you the possibilily of extending the number of work items selected by including those work items whose status have changed during your chosen date range. For example, you could select 'Draft not yet available' in 'Current Status' and 28/09/1999 in 'Achieved Status Since' which would give you all the work items for which have achieved that status between 28/09/1999 and the current date. If you then tick the 'Include work items that have moved on' box, the search will now also include work items which have advanced in status during the same period. This could include work items where a draft is now available or even published. Selecting this option will not affect the results when either the 'Stopped' or 'New Work item' criteria are chosen in 'Current Status', since this would not be appropriate.
The list of work items resulting from a search can be viewed in 3 different formats (Summary reports). In each report it is possible to select an individual work item and obtain more detail.
Work Item Summary List
Work Item Plan
Work Item Progress Report
In order to see the results of your search then click on 'SEARCH'.
If you wish to clear the form to begin a new search or if you have made a mistake then click 'CLEAR ALL'. |
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