2025-02-12 Version 2.1
Simple Search | Advanced Search | Pre-Defined Reports | Help

EOL User Guide Work Programme

The ETSI Work Programme Simple Search engine is designed to allow users the facility to search for ETSI Work Items using a limited amount of search criteria. It is typically aimed at first time users, i.e. those people with a limited knowledge of ETSI.

Simple Search: Technical Body

ETSI consists of a number of Technical Bodies responsible for certain areas of the ETSI work programme.

With this drop down menu you can select the technical body whose work items you are interested in. Most Technical Bodies have working groups and their work items will automatically be included in the results of your search.

If you wish to select more than one technical body then hold the Ctrl button and click on each Technical Body of interest.

Alternatively you can leave this space blank and search for work items related to all technical bodies.

By default, only active technical bodies appear in the list. If you are interested in the work items of inactive technical bodies then click on 'Include Non-Active TBs'.

ETSI Document Number

An ETSI document number is given once a document has entered the public domain and is made up of two parts, the document type and a string of figures.

In the TYPE drop-down menu you can select the type of document you are looking for, e.g. MI, EN, ES, EG, TR, TS.

You also have the option to leave the type blank and search for all document types.

In the NUMBER box you can type in the ETSI number if known, or a part of the number. The * symbol can be used as a wildcard to replace any unknown number or letter.

Note that the MI TYPE does not result in the production of a document so there will be no corresponding NUMBER.

Simple Search: Current Status

Here you have the option to narrow down your search for work items by selecting their current status within the ETSI standardization process. The categories available are:

Published: a work item which has resulted in the publication of an ETSI document (i.e. the work has been completed). You will be able to download a pdf version of the document free of charge.

Approval stage: a work item which is undergoing one of the ETSI Approval stages (see SMP) and has therefore been made publicly available. You will be able to download a pdf version of the document free of charge.

Drafting stage: a work item where the work is still being drafted within the Technical Body and has therefore not yet been made publicly available.

New Work item: a work item which has been recently created by the Technical Body.

Withdrawn: a work item where the resulting ETSI document has been withdrawn by the Technical Body (some time after publication) due to it being either superseded by a later version or due to it being rendered obsolescent. You will still be able to download a pdf version of the document free of charge.

Historical: a work item where the resulting ETSI document has been designated historical by the Technical Body. This means that some or all of the content is considered in some way obsolete and will therefore not be maintained but that it is still considered to be useful to keep the document in the public domain. You will still be able to download a pdf version of the document free of charge.

Stopped: a work item where the Technical Body has decided to stop work some time before completion because the work was considered to be no longer useful.

Transferred: a work item which has been transferred to another technical body. Currently you will need to view the 'Remarks' section of the detailed work item report to find the work item to which it has been transferred.

Simple Search: Achieved Status Since

In order to narrow down your search even further you have the option to specify a date, 'Day', 'Month', 'Year'.

For example, in 'Current Status' you select 'Published' and in the 'Achieved Status Since' you specify 28/09/1999.

The search results will show you all work items, which have been published after 28th September 1999.

Simple Search: Include Work Items That Have Moved On

This option gives you the possibilily of extending the number of work items selected by including those work items whose status have changed during your chosen date range.

For example, you could select 'Draft not yet available' in 'Current Status' and 28/09/1999 in 'Achieved Status Since' which would give you all the work items for which have achieved that status between 28/09/1999 and the current date.

If you then tick the 'Include work items that have moved on' box, the search will now also include work items which have advanced in status during the same period. This could include work items where a draft is now available or even published.

Selecting this option will not affect the results when either the 'Stopped' or 'New Work item' criteria are chosen in 'Current Status', since this would not be appropriate.

Report Type

The list of work items resulting from a search can be viewed in 3 different formats (Summary reports). In each report it is possible to select an individual work item and obtain more detail.

Work Item Summary List
The Work Item Summary List is the default format. It contains the following information:
Current state if any Deliverable Type, Document Number, Version or Edition Number
Work Item Reference
Technical Body
Link to Work Item Details
List of Mandates
Title Status
Work Item Title Current Status
Last achieved status in schedule
Next status in schedule

Work Item Plan
The Work Item Plan contains the following information:
Work Item Title Current Status
Work Item Type and Number
Work Item Reference
Work Item Title Last Achieved Status in Schedule
Link to Download Standards

Draft Available WG Approval TB Approval MV/PE/OAP Start PE End Voting Start
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
(Procedure Name)
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Voting/OAP End Adoption Publication OJ Publication
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past

Work Item Progress Report
The Work Item Progress Report contains the following information:
Work Item Title Current Status
Work Item Type and Number
Work Item Reference
Work Item Title Last Achieved Status Date Or
Last Achieved Status Date when Achieved Late
Current Status
Planned Next Status Planned Next Procedure
Target Date Or
Target Date in the Past
Next Planned Status
Target Date Or
Target Date in the Past
Next Planned Procedure

Simple Search: Search Button

In order to see the results of your search then click on 'SEARCH'.

Simple Search: Clear All Button

If you wish to clear the form to begin a new search or if you have made a mistake then click 'CLEAR ALL'.

The ETSI Work Programme Advanced Search engine is designed to allow users the facility to search for ETSI work items using a large variety of search criteria. It is primarily intended for expert users, i.e. those people with a detailed knowledge of ETSI.

ETSI Document Number

An ETSI document number is given once a document has entered the public domain and is made up of two parts, the document type and a string of figures.

In the TYPE drop-down menu you can select the type of document you are looking for, e.g. MI, EN, ES, EG, TR, TS.

You also have the option to leave the type blank and search for all document types.

In the NUMBER box you can type in the ETSI number if known, or a part of the number. The * symbol can be used as a wildcard to replace any unknown number or letter.

Note that the MI TYPE does not result in the production of a document so there will be no corresponding NUMBER.

Advanced Search: Technical Body

In this drop-down menu you can select the technical body whose work items you are searching for. Your search will automatically include the work items of all sub-technical bodies related to the technical body you select. If you do not require sub-technical body work items then you can deselect the 'Include Working Groups' box.

If you wish to select more than one technical body then hold the Ctrl button and click on each TB of interest.

By default, only active technical bodies appear in the list. If you are interested in the work items of inactive technical bodies then click on 'Include Non-Active TBs'.

Advanced Search: Work Item Reference

In this box you can specify a work item reference which is allocated to all ETSI work items, or a part of the reference number. The * symbol can be used as a wildcard to replace any unknown number or letter.

Most Work Item References are constructed using the following rules:

  Deliverable class Deliverable type / TB code - WG code Serial number
Example: D EN / TM - 01 015
  Written as: DEN/TM-01015


Deliverable Class
Original Document
Revision of a Document
Deliverable Types
2TR   GSM Technical Report
2TS   GSM Technical Specification
3TR   3GPP Technical Report
3TS   3GPP Technical Specification
3WP   3GPP Work Item Package
AN   Advisory Note
E   European Telecommunication Standard
EG   ETSI Guide
EN   European Standard (Telecommunications series)
ES   ETSI Standard
GR   Group report
GS   Group Specification
GTS   GSM Technical Specification
I   Interim ETS
MI   Miscellaneous work item
NET   Norme Européenne de Télécommunication
SR   Special Report
TBR   Technical Basis for Regulation
TR   Technical Committee Reference Technical Report
TR   Technical Committee Technical Report
TR   Technical Report
TR   ETSI Technical Report
TS   Technical Specification
Separator: "/"
TB Code
3GPP   Third Generation Partnership Project
ACTE   Applications Committee for Terminal Equipment
AERO   Aeronautics
AFI   Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet
ARF   Augmented Reality Framework
AT   Access and Terminals
ATA   Analogue Terminals & Access
ATM   Advanced Testing Methods
ATTM   Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing
BOARD   Board
BRAN   Broadband Radio Access Networks
BT   Business Telecommunications
BTC   Business TeleCommunications
CABLE   Integrated broadband cable telecommunication networks
CCM   intelligent Compound Content Management
CDM   european Common information sharing environment service and Data Model
CDP   City Digital Profile
CIM   cross-cutting Context Information Management
CN   Corporate Networks
CTM   Cordless Terminal Mobility
CYBER   Cyber Security
DATA   Data Solutions
DECT   Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)
DTA   Digital Terminals & Access
E2NA   End-to-End Network Architectures
E3MAG   ETSI 3GPP meeting Hosting Advisory Group
E4P   Europe for Privacy-Preserving Pandemic Protection
EASI   ETSI Project ATM Services and Inter-operability
ECI   Embedded Common Interface for exchangeable CA/DRM solutions
Ecma   Standardizing information and communications systems
EE   Environmental Engineering
EMAG   ETSI MIS Advisory Group
EMCDGAG   EMC Director-General's Advisory Gro
EMCRADIO   Technical Assembly Ad-hoc group on Horizontal EMC and Radio issues
EMTEL   Emergency Communications
ENI   Experiential Networked Intelligence
EPIC   European Project on Information Infrastructure Co-ordination Group
EPIISG   European Project on Information Infrastructure Starter Group
ERM   EMC and Radio Spectrum Matters
ESI   Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures
ETI   Encrypted Traffic Integration
F5G   Fifth Generation Fixed Network
FC   Finance Committee
GA   General Assembly
GMMAFG   Global Multimedia Mobility Architecture Framework Group
GMMCG   Global Multimedia Mobiliy Co-ordination Group
GSM   Groupe Spécial Mobile
HF   Human Factors
HLTF   High Level Task Force
ICC   Integrated Circuit(s) Cards
IMCC   ISDN Management and Coordination C ommittee
IMPACT   International Marketing and Promotional Activities
INCUBATE   New ideas Incubator
INS   Identity and access management for Networks and Services
INT   Core Network and Interoperability Testing
IP6   IPv6 integration
IPE   IPv6 Enhanced innovation
IPR   Intellectual Property Rights
IPRC   Intellectual Property Rights Committee
ISAC   Integrated Sensing And Communications
ISI   Information Security Indicators
ISM   ISDN Standards Management
ITS   Intelligent Transport Systems
ITSC   Interregional Telecommunications Standards Committee
LI   Lawful Interception
LIS   Localisation Industry Standards
LTN   Low Throughput Networks
MAT   Multiple Access Techniques
MBC   Mobile and Broadcast Convergence
MCD   Media Content Distribution
M-COMM   Mobile Commerce
MEC   Multi-access Edge Computing
MESA   Public Safety Partnership Project
MMG   Multimedia Management Group
MOI   Measurement Ontology for IP traffic
MSG   Mobile Standards Group
MTA   Multimedia Terminals & Applications
MTC   Mobile Thin Client
MTS   Methods for Testing & Specification
mWT   millimetre Wave Transmission
NA   Network Aspects
NBDG   New Business Development Group
NFV   Network Functions Virtualisation
NGP   Next Generation Protocols
NIN   Non-IP Networking
NTECH   Network Technologies
NUG   NGPP User Group
OCG   Operational Co-ordination Group
OEU   Operational energy Efficiency for Users
oneM2M   oneM2M
ORI   Open Radio equipment Interface
OSG   Open Smart Grid
OSL   OpenSlice
OSM   OpenSource MANO
PAC   Programme Advisory Commitee
PAS   Publicly Available Specifications
PDL   Permissioned Distributed Ledger
PLT   Powerline Telecommunications
PRO   Planning and Reporting Officers
PS   Paging Systems
PTS   Pay Terminals & Systems
QKD   Quantum Key Distribution
QSC   Quantum Safe Cryptography
REDCYBER   Cybersecurity for Radio Equipment Directive
RES   Radio Equipment & Systems
RIS   Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
RRS   Reconfigurable Radio Systems
RT   Railway telecommunications
SAFETY   Safety
SAGE   Security Algorithms Group of Experts
SAI   Securing Artificial Intelligence TC
SAI_ISG   Securing Artificial Intelligence
SEC   Security
SES   Satellite Earth Stations & Systems
SET   Secure Element Technologies
SmartBAN   Smart Body Area Network
SmartM2M   Smart M2M
SMG   Special Mobile Group
SMT   Surface Mount Technique
SPAN   Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks
SPS   Signalling Protocols & Switching
SRC5   Private Networks
SRC6   European Information Infrastructure
STQ   Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality
TCC   TC Chairmen Coordination
TCCE   TETRA and Critical Communications Evolution
TE   Terminal Equipment
TFIG   Task Force Implementation Group
TFS   TeraFlowSDN
THz   TeraHertz technology
TIPHON   Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks
TISPAN   Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Netwk.
TM   Transmission & Multiplexing
TMN   Telecommunications Management Network
TRAC   Technical Recommendations Applications Committee
TSA   TETRA security algorithms
UMTS   Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems
USER   User Group
ZSM   Zero-touch network and Service Management

Separator: "-"

WG Code

A 2 digit code identifying the Working Group, e.g. TM 1 = 01, TM 4 = 04. If there is no WG involved, then the value 00 is used (representing the TB).

Serial number

Usually a 3 or 4 digit number allocated by the Technical Body responsible for the work item (in some cases characters or numbers with more than 3 or 4 digits are used).

In addition, a work item can be split into multiple parts with the addition of a "part" indication (-1, -2, etc.) or into sub-parts (e.g. -1-1, -1-2).

Advanced Search: Title Boolean Search

You have the ability to carry out a text search on the title of a document. The * symbol can be used as a wildcard to replace any unknown number or letter. The Boolean Search allows you to use the options 'AND', 'OR', NOT and (). For example: Benchmark AND (CS-4 OR NETWORK) AND NOT Transmission.

Advanced Search: Scope Boolean Search

You have the ability to carry out a text search on the scope of a document. The * symbol can be used as a wildcard to replace any unknown number or letter. The Boolean Search allows you to use the options 'AND', 'OR', NOT and (). For example: Benchmark AND (CS-4 OR NETWORK) AND NOT Transmission.

Advanced Search: Work Item State

When work items change state, their new state is flagged for a certain time (the review period). Using the "Work Item state flag" field, you can inspect all the changes made to the EWP during the current review period. You can select Work Items which have been:

  • created ("new")
  • substantially modified ("changed")
  • completed ("finalized")
  • abandoned ("stopped")
  • not changed ("none")
  • made historical ("historical")
  • withdrawn ("withdrawn")
  • transferred from one TB to another ("transferred")

during the current review period.

The review period runs from the time the Work Item state changed (eg. created, stopped) until the end of the month following that event. For example, a Work Item created in June will remain flagged as "new" until the end of July.

The settings of this field can be combined with selections in other fields, so you can choose to examine, for example, new Work Items for a given Technical Body; or stopped Work Items for which the deliverable type was EN.

Note that this search criterion cannot be used in conjunction with the "Modified During" search criterion.

IMPORTANT: When selecting the value "stopped" for the Work Item state field, remember to select "Stopped" (or "All") in the "Work Item Status" area, otherwise no Work Items will be found.

Representatives of ETSI Member organizations are encouraged to inspect the EWP on a regular basis. Further explanatory information on flagged Work Items - for example, justification for its creation, the nature of a substantive change, or the reason for stopping it - is given in a remark, which can be seen when examining the details of the Work Item (by clicking on its reference code). If you disagree with the introduction / change / abandonment of a Work Item, you should in the first instance raise the matter with the Chairman of the Technical Body concerned.

Refer to subclause 1.6.3 of the Technical Working Procedures for further details.

Advanced Search: Modified During

This drop down menu allows you to see all work items which have been modified within a period of the last 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 quarter or 1 year.

Note that this search criterion cannot be used in conjunction with the "Work Item State" search criterion.

Advanced Search: Work Item Status

Here you are given three options;

ALL - this option will allow you to see all work items irrespective of their status.

EXCLUDE STOPPED - this option (set as the default option) will allow you to view active work items only. Note that in this context, the term active includes completed and published work items as well as those where work is still in progress.

STOPPED - this option will allow you to see only stopped work items.

Advanced Search: Milestones

FROM/TO - this allows you to view all work items which are between two particular milestones according to their progress in the standardization process. For example, all work items which are between 'Start of OAP' and 'End of OAP'. The search can be further refined by selecting a start and finish date for the query. This will only show WIs where either the achieved date or target date (planned) for the selected milestone range falls between the dates selected.

Advanced Search: Rapporteur

You have the option to search for all work items written by a particular rapporteur. You may type a first name, last name, a part of a name using * as a wildcard or just click on 'LIST' to get a list of all rapporteurs.

Secondly you have the option to search by the organisation of the rapporteur. You can be specific by typing for example, 'ALCATEL BELL' or if you only know that the rapporteur works for ALCATEL but you are not sure which subsidiary then type ALCATEL* and you will be given a list of all work items under the responsibility of any rapporteur working for any subsidiary of ALCATEL.

Advanced Search: Codes And Keywords

If you know that you are looking for work items attached to a particular project then select the 'Project Code' in the drop-down menu. Initially, sub-project codes are not shown to make the list more manageable. If you require a greater level of detail, you may select "Include sub Project Codes" link.

Similarly you can search for a work item by 'Keyword'.

If you wish to select more than one Project Code or Keyword, then in both cases you can do this by holding the Ctrl button and clicking on the codes required. When more than one Project Code or Keyword is selected you have the choice of combining them either with the OR function ("One Of") or the AND function ("All").

List of Project Codes:
Project Code Description
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project 
3GPP-CN 3GPP core network aspects 
3GPP-CT 3GPP core network and terminal aspects 
3GPP-GERAN GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network 
3GPP-Phase-1 (GSM) Original GSM release 
3GPP-Phase-2 (GSM) GSM phase 2 
3GPP-radio Radio Access Network (GERAN, GERAN, LTE, NR, ...) 
3GPP-Release-10 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS/LTE/LTE-Advanced release 10 
3GPP-Release-11 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS/LTE/LTE-Advanced release 11 
3GPP-Release-12 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS/LTE/LTE-Advanced release 12 
3GPP-Release-13 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS/LTE/LTE-Advanced release 13 
3GPP-Release-14 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS/LTE/LTE-Advanced release 14 
3GPP-Release-15 GSM Phase 2+, UMTS, LTE, 5G release 15 
3GPP-Release-16 GSM Phase 2+, UMTS, LTE, 5G release 16 
3GPP-Release-17 GSM Phase 2+, UMTS, LTE, 5G release 17 
3GPP-Release-18 GSM Phase 2+, UMTS, LTE, 5G release 18 
3GPP-Release-19 GSM Phase 2+, UMTS, LTE, 5G release 19 
3GPP-Release-1996 GSM Phase 2+ release 1996 
3GPP-Release-1997 GSM Phase 2+ release 1997 
3GPP-Release-1998 GSM Phase 2+ release 1998 
3GPP-Release-1999 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS release 1999 
3GPP-Release-20 GSM Phase 2+, UMTS, LTE, 5G release 20 
3GPP-Release-2000 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS release 2000 
3GPP-Release-4 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS release 4 
3GPP-Release-5 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS release 5 
3GPP-Release-6 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS release 6 
3GPP-Release-7 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS release 7 
3GPP-Release-8 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS/LTE release 8 
3GPP-Release-9 GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS/LTE release 9 
3GPP-SA Services and systems aspects 
3GPP-T Terminals 
3GPP-UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network 
AutoIOP Automated IOPTtesting 
BACKBONE ISDN/PSTN services over ATM/IP/... backbone 
Broadband Access Broadband Access 
CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile networks Enhanced Logic 
Cheaper Internet Cheaper and faster Internet access 
CN Corporate or Enterprise Network 
CN_HS-LAN Corporate/Enterprise Network-High Speed Local Area Network 
CN_MNGT Corporate/Enterprise Network - Management 
CN_MOB Corporate/Enterprise Network - Mobility Services 
CN_PERF Corporate/Enterprise Network - Performance Parameters 
CN_SCEN Corporate/Enterprise Network - Scenarios 
CN_VOICE Corporate/Enterprise Network - Voice Services 
CN_VPN Corporate/Enterprise Network - Virtual Private Networks 
CTM Cordless Terminal Mobility 
CTM_FP1 CTM - Circuit-switched Data, 32/64 kb/s unrestricted 
CTM_FP2 CTM - Short Message Service 
CTM_FP4 CTM - Further Feature Packages Definition 
CTM2 Cordless Terminal Mobility, Phase 2 
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting 
DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications 
DECT_CI DECT Common Interface 
DECT_CTM DECT- Cordless Terminal Mobility 
DECT_DAM DECT - DECT Authentication Module 
DECT_GAP DECT - General Access Profile 
DECT_GSM-IW DECT - GSM Interworking 
DECT_ISDN_GSM DECT - GSM interworking via ISDN 
DECT_ISDN-IW DECT - ISDN Interworking 
DECT_PAP DECT - Public Access Profile 
DECT_RLL DECT - Radio in the Local Loop 
DECT_TESTING Conformance testing for DECT equipment 
DECT_WRS DECT - Wireless Relay Station 
DTM Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode 
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting 
e-accessibility Participation for all in the knowledge-based economy 
e-commerce Accelerating e-commerce 
e-content European digital content for global networks 
e-education European youth into the digital age 
eEurope Contributions to the eEurope initiative (see OCG11(00)10) 
eEurope implementation guide
eEurope Seminars/workshops
eEurope standardization guide
eEurope2005_Broadband eEurope 2005 Broadband 
eEurope2005_eBusiness eEurope 2005 eBusiness 
eEurope2005_Human_Factors eEurope 2005 Human Factors 
eEurope2005_Security eEurope 2005 Security 
e-government Government online: electronic access to public service 
e-health Health online 
eInclusion addresses the prevention of a digital divide in Europe 
Electronic Signatures Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures for Security 
EMTEL emergency telecommunications 
eNGN Multimedia network services 
e-research Faster Internet for researchers and students 
ERMES European radio messaging system 
e-security Secure networks and smart cards 
e-transport Intelligent transport systems 
e-working Working in the knowledge-based economy 
FMMS Fixed Multimedia Messaging Service 
GMPRS GEO (geostationary earth orbit) mobile packet radio service 
GMR Geostationary satellites - mobile radio interfaces 
GMR-1 Geostationary satellites - mobile radio interfaces- family 1 
GMR-2 Geostationary satellites - mobile radio interfaces- family 2 
GPRS General Packet Radio Service (GSM) 
GSM Global System for Mobile communications 
HIPERACCESS High speed access, broadband point-to-multipoint, outdoor 
HIPERLAN/1 High performance radio local area networks (LAN) Type1 
HIPERLAN/2 High performance radio local area networks (LAN) Type2 
HIPERMAN High performance radio metropolitain area networks 
IMCC ISDN Management Coordination Committee 
IMCC_AIS IMCC - Additional ISDN Services 
IMCC_ATS IMCC - Abstract Test Suites 
IMCC_BASE IMCC - Base standard 
IMCC_ISDN/SATIW IMCC - ISDN and Satellite Interworking 
IMCC_ITAEGT IT Advisory Expert Gp for private Telecommunications network 
IMCC_NCR IMCC - No Conformance test Required 
IMCC_PICS IMCC - Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement 
IMCC_PIXIT IMCC - Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing 
IMCC_PR-1 IMCC - Priority 1 
IMCC_PR-2 IMCC - Priority 2 
IMCC_PR-3 IMCC - Priority 3 
IMCC_PTN_S1 IMCC - Private Telecommunications Network - Priority 1 
IMCC_PTN_S2 IMCC - Private Telecommunications Network - Priority 2 
IMCC_PTN_S3 IMCC - Private Telecommunications Network - Priority 3 
IMCC_PTN_S4 IMCC - Private Telecommunications Network - Priority 4 
IN Intelligent Network 
IPCablecom IP cable (television) communications 
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 
ISDN_CC ISDN - Call Completion supplementary service 
ISDN_CCNR CCNR supplementary server, stage 1, (2), 3 DSS1, 3 ISUP v3 
ISM ISDN Standards Management group 
Lawful Interception Lawful Interception for Security 
MBT Model Based Testing 
MCC_3G_reporting Appears in reports of 3G progress produced by MCC 
MCC_GSM_reporting Appears in reports of GSM progress produced by MCC 
MIB Management Information Base 
NFV_R2_2017H1_Drop NFV Release 2 drop: Maintenance 2017 H1 
NFV_R2_2017H2_Drop NFV Release 2 drop: Maintenance 2017 H2 
NFV_R2_2018H1_Drop NFV Release 2 drop: Maintenance 2018 H1 
NFV_R3_2019H1_Maintenance NFV Release 3 maintenance: 2019H1 drop 
NFV_Rel2_2019H1_Maintenance NFV Release 2 Maintenance: 2019 H1 drop 
NFV_Rel3_ed361 NFV Release 3 Work Items, edition 3.6.1 
NFV_Rel3_ed371 NFV Release 3 Work Items, etition 3.7.1 
NFV_Rel4_ed431 NFV Release 4 Work Items, edition 4.3.1 
NFV_Rel4_ed441 NFV Release 4 Work Items, edition 4.4.1 
NFV_Release2 NFV Release 2 Work Items 
NFV_Release3 NFV Release 3 Work Items 
NFV_Release4 NFV Release 4 Work Items 
NFV_Release5 NFV Release 5 Work Items 
NFV_Release6 NFV Release 6 Work Items 
NGN Next Generation Networks 
NGN_IMS_SS TISPAN feature: IMS Evolution and Supplementary Services 
NGN1: Architecture NGN1:Architecture, ref. point definition & control protocols 
NGN2: QoS NGN2: End-to-end Quality of Service 
NGN3: Service Platforms NGN3: Service Platforms 
NGN4: Network Management NGN4: Network Management 
NGN5: Lawful Interception NGN5: Lawful Interception 
NGN6: Security NGN6: Security 
NGN7: Home NGN7: Home Networking 
NGN-R1 TISPAN Release 1 
NGN-R2 TISPAN Release 2 
NGN-R3 TISPAN Release 3 
oneM2M oneM2M Partnership Project 
oneM2M-Release-1 oneM2M Partnership Project 
oneM2M-Release-2 oneM2M Partnership Project 
OSA Open Service Access 
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 
SDH_ACCESS_NETWORKS SDH Components to be used in the access network 
SDH_GENERIC Generic and basic standards for the SDH 
SDH_LEASED_LINES Transport of SDH on leased lines 
SDH_NETWORK_ELEMENTS Specification of network elements involved in SDH networks 
SDH_RADIO SDH Radio relay systems 
SDH_SYNC_NETWORKS Specification of Synchronization networks for SDH 
SDH_TRANSPORT_NETWORKS SDH Components to be used in the core/transport network 
SECURITY Security 
SES_HENs SES Harmonized ENs 
SES_L-band Satellite L-band related work items 
SPA Service Provider Access 
SPECTRAL_COMPATIBILITY Spectral & service compatibility-xDSL systems in same bundle 
tech technical TISPAN document not related to a project 
Terminals & Access Terminals & Access 
TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio 
TETRA Release 2 Terrestrial Trunked Radio - Release 2 
TETRA_DM Terrestrial Trunked Radio - Direct Mode 
TETRA_PDO Terrestrial Trunked Radio - Packet Data Optimised 
TETRA_V+D Terrestrial Trunked Radio - Voice plus Data 
TFTS Terrestrial-Flight Telecommunications System 
TIPHON Telecommunications & IP harmonization over networks 
TIPHON_Release-StepA StepA 
TIPHON_Release-StepB StepB 
TIPHON_Release-StepC StepC 
TIPHON_Release-StepD StepD 
TIPHON_Release-StepE StepE 
TM4_PP_RTTE32 TM4 docs referred in TM4 HS under RTTE 3.2 for P-P systems 
TMN Telecommunications Management Network 
TTCN3 dev  
TTCN-3_ed341 TTCN-3 edition 3.4.1 
TTCN-3_ed411 TTCN-3 edition 4.1.1 
TTCN-3_ed421 TTCN-3 edition 4.2.1 
TTCN-3_ed431 TTCN-3 edition 4.3.1 
TTCN-3_ed441 TTCN-3 edition 4.4.1 
TTCN-3_ed451 TTCN-3 edition 4.5.1 
TTCN-3_Extention TTCN-3 Extention 
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System 
UMTS_SERVICES Universal Mobile Telecommunications System - Services 
UPT Universal Personal Telecommunications 
uSMS Universal Short Message Service 
UTRA UMTS - Terrestrial Radio Access 
WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access 
xDSL (generic) Digital Subscriber Line 
List of Keywords:
Keyword Description
(57 to 66 GHz)
3,1 KHZ 3,1 kHz audio 
3D Ray-Tracing
3G Third Generation 
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project 
3GPP Access
3GPP2 Third Generation Partnership Project 2 
3PTY Three party (supplementary service) 
5G Cellular technology beyond LTE, IMT-2020 conformant 
60 GHz
6G Cellular technology beyond 5G, IMT-2030 conformant 
7 KHZ 7 kHz audio 
AAL ATM Adaptation Layer 
AAS Active Antenna Systems 
Abstracted Network Information
access control
Access Profile
accessibility can be accessed by users with disabilities 
ACOUSTIC cf. coupling, etc 
ACT Asynchronous Contact Tracing 
ADAPTION Adaption (adaptation), terminal, rate, etc 
ADDRESSING Addressing, numbering, routeing 
ADSL Asymetrical Digital Subscriber Line 
AERONAUTICAL cf. terrestrial, maritime, satellite, etc. 
AFA Autonomous Frequency Assignment 
Age verification  
AGEING cf. Human Factors 
AI Artificial Intelligence 
AI model Artificial Intelligence Model 
AIP Additional Information Presentation (supplementary service) 
air flow  
AIR INTERFACE Air Interface for radiocommunications 
Air Traffic Management Air Traffic Management 
ALGORITHM (security, encryption, ...) 
AM Amplitude Modulation 
AMATEUR Commercially available amateur radio equipment 
AMBIENCE Ambience listening (supplementary service) 
AMSS Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service 
AN Access Network 
ANF Additional Network Feature 
Anonymous Communication Reject ACR 
ANTENNA Antenna, aerial 
AOC Advice of Charge 
AP Access Priority (supplementary service) 
API Application Programme Interface 
APM Application Transport Mechanism (SS7) 
application layer  
application profile  
AR Cloud
ARCHITECTURE inc. reference models, etc 
ARCU model
AREA SELECT Area selection (supplementary service) 
artificial intelligence
ASCI Advanced Speech Call Items 
ASiC Associated Signature Containers 
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Number one 
Assistive Listening
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 
ATS Abstract Test Suite 
ATS_GR FILE Seperate ATS graphical file exists 
ATS_MP FILE Seperate ATS mp file exists 
Attribute Attestation
audio frequency induction loop
Augmented Reality
AUTH Call authorised by dispatcher (supplementary service) 
Autonomic Networking
AVAILABILITY QoS characteristic 
AVI AudioVisual Information 
award criteria  
B2B Business to business 
B2C Business to customer 
Back haul
BASE STATION cf. radio 
BASIC cf. Call, Service, Access, etc. 
BC Bearer Capability information element (ISDN) 
B-CHANNEL Bearer channel 
BEARER cf. channel, service 
BEM Block Edge Mask 
Benchmarking Benchmarking 
BICC Bearer-independent call control 
BIIS BInary Signalling System for non-trunked PMR 
B-ISDN Broadband ISDN 
B-ISUP Broadband ISUP 
Block Edge Mask
BONDING (electrical safety connection) 
bone conduction
B-QSIG Broadband QSIG 
BROADCAST point to multipoint message transfer - see "multipoint" 
BROADCASTING Broadcasting, TV, audio 
BSS Broadcast Satellite Services 
BSSAP BSS Application Part (GSM protocol) 
BWA Broadband Wireless Access 
C REFERENCE POINT C Reference point (ISDN) 
CA Conditional Access 
CAdES CMS Advanced Electronic Signature 
CALL BARRING Call Barring (supplementary service) 
Call Centre
CALM Continuous Air Interface for Long and Medium distance 
CAMEL Customized applications for mobile network enhanced logic 
CAP Conformance Assessment Process 
CARD Intelligent Card 
CB Citizens Band (radio) 
CBC Cell Broadcast Centre (GSM) 
CBDS Connectionless Broadband Data Service 
CBS Cell Broadcast Service 
CCBS Completion of Call to Busy Subscriber 
CCM Container Infrastructure Service (CIS) Cluster Managem 
CCM system
CCNL Completion of Communications on not Logged-in 
CCNR Completion of Call on No Reply (supplementary service) 
CCS Common Channel Signalling 
CDA Call Distribution to Attendant (supplementary service) 
CDHN Convergent Digital Home Network 
CDIV Call Diversion (supplementary service) 
CDMA Code-Division Multiple Access 
cdma2000 Code-Division Multiple Access 2000 
CDN Content Delivery Network 
CELL (radio) 
cellular cellular (radio) 
CF Call Forwarding (supplementary service) 
channel bandwidths
Channel coding
channel modelling
CHARACTER Characters, symbols, graphics, pictograms 
CHARGING Charging, billing, accounting 
children cf. Human Factors 
CI Plus CI Plus 
CI/CD Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery 
city buildings
CL Connectionless, non-connection-oriented 
Climate change mitigation Reductions in human emissions of greenhouse gases 
CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation (supp. service) 
CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction (supp. service) 
closed control loop
closed loop control
Cloud computing
Cloud Gaming
CMTS Cable Modem Termination System 
CNAP Calling Name Presentation (supplementary service) 
CNIP Calling Name Identification Presentation (supplementary ser) 
CNIR Calling Name Identification Restriction (supplementary serv) 
CO Call Offer (supplementary service) 
CO2 emission
cochlear implant  
CODEC COder/DECoder 
COLP COnnected Line identification Presentation (supp. service) 
COLR COnnected Line identification Restriction (supp. service) 
Communications module
companion screen
CONF Conference (supplementary service) 
conflict detection
CONFORMANCE Conformance of an equipment to a standard 
CONP Connected Name Identification Presentation (supp. service) 
Content Delivery Network
Context capturing and analysis  
CONTRIBUTION (to TV distribution network) 
Control Interface
cooling capacity  
COP Code Of Practice 
Core Network
cost impact
COUPLING (electric, magnetic, acoustic) 
CPE Customer Premise Equipment 
C-PMSE Cognitive Programme Making Special Events 
CR Call Restriction (supplementary service) 
Critical Infrastructure
CROSSTALK (in transmission cables, ...) 
CRS Cognitive Radio System 
CS1 Capability Set 1 
CS2 Capability Set 2 (IN) 
CS3 Capability Set 3 (IN) 
CS4 Capability Set 4 (IN) 
CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access 
CST Call Setup Time 
CSTA Computer-supported telephony applications 
CT Cordless Telephone 
CT2 Cordless Telephone - 2nd generation 
CTAN Cordless terminal authentication - terminal (supp. svce.) 
CTAT Cordless terminal authentication - network (supp. svce.) 
CTE Circuit-Terminating Equipment 
CTM Cordless Terminal Mobility 
CTS Conformance Test Services 
CUG Closed User Group (supplementary service) 
Customer Premises Networks  
CVG Convergence (layer) 
CW Call Waiting (supplementary service) 
Cyber Security
D2-MAC TV (see MAC) 
DAA Detect-And-Avoid 
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting 
DAM DECT Authentication Module 
data base
Data Centres
data collection
data interoperability data interoperability 
data management
data mechanism
data models
data preservation
data processing
data sharing
data storage
data storage equipment
data usability ability of a user to derive useful information from data 
DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment 
D-CHANNEL ISDN signalling channel 
DCS (extension of GSM) 
DDI Direct Dialling In (supplementary service) 
Decentralized Identifier DID 
DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications 
de-jitter buffer  
deployement trial
deployment scenarios
Design for All cf. Human Factors 
device complexity
DevOps Development and Operat 
DFRS Digital Fixed Radio Systems 
digital certificate
Digital Clone
digital identity digital identity 
Digital Right Management
digital signature  
Digital Twins
Directive 2014/53/EU  
DISABILITY cf. Human Factors 
DISCRETE Discrete listening (supplementary service) 
DISKETTE Diskette associated with this item 
distributed filters  
Distributed Ledger
Diversity cf. Human Factors 
DLC Data Link Control 
DMAP DECT Multimedia Access Profile 
DMO Direct mode operation (TETRA) 
DND Do Not Disturb (supplementary service) 
DNS Domain name system 
DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification 
Double talk
dPMR digital Private Mobile Radio 
DPP Digital Product Passport 
DPRS DECT Packet Radio Service 
DQDB Distributed Queue, Double Bus 
DRM Digital Radio Mondiale 
DROES Data Receive Only Earth Stations (satellite) 
DRRS Digital Radio Relay System 
DRX Discontinuous (radio) reception 
DSB Double Side Band 
DSC Digital Selective Calling 
DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer 
DSRC Dedicated Short Range Communications 
DSRR Digital Short Range Radio 
DSS1 Digital Subscriber Signalling no. 1 (ISDN) 
DSS2 Digital Subscriber Signalling no. 2 (B-ISDN) 
DTE Data Terminal Equipment 
DTH Direct to the home (satellite broadcasting) 
DTM Dynamic synchronous transfer mode (transmission / switching) 
DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (in-band signalling) 
DTX Discontinuous (radio) transmission 
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting 
DVB-H Digital Video Broadcasting Handheld 
dynamic spectrum sharing
Dynamic Triggering
EAA Electronic Attestation of Attributes 
EARTH STATION (satellite) 
Ear-Worn Devices
ecall Manual/automatic initiated emerg. call (TS12) from vehicle 
e-commerce electronic commerce 
ECT Explicit Call Transfer (supplementary service) 
e-delivery services
EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution 
EEER Equipment Energy Efficiency Ratio 
EHF Extremely High Frequency (30 GHz to 300 GHz) 
electronic preservation
electronic registered delivery
EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility 
EMERGENCY Including maritime/terrestrial search & rescue 
emergency communications  
emergency services
EMF electromagnetic field (cf safety) 
EMISSION Of unwanted signals, radiated/conducted (EMC) 
eMLPP enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption service 
E-Model (speech quality) 
ENDORSEMENT Endorsement of a Standard/Recommendation from another body 
energy consumption
Energy Efficiency
Energy Management
ENG Electronic News Gathering (satellite) 
Enhanced Mobile Broadband
enum mapping E.164 numbers to URI (universal resource identifier) 
ENv ETSI deliverable - as a basis for CEN/CENELEC ENv 
Environmental impact
environmental information
EPC Evolved Packet Core 
EPG Electronic Programme Guide 
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons 
ERDS Electronic Registered Delivery Service 
ERMES European Radio MEssaging System 
eSSP embedded Smart Secure Platform 
ESV Earth Station on board Vessel 
EU qualified
EUDI Wallet EU Digital Identity Wallet 
E-UTRA Enhanced-UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access 
EV Electric Vehicle 
e-waste management
extended validation certificat extended validation certificate 
F5G Advanced
FAX Facsimile 
FDD Frequency Division Duplexing 
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 
FEATURE KEY (ISDN generic protocol) 
FEC Forward Error Correction 
FIBRE (optical) 
Field trial
Fixed networks
flexible deployment
FM Frequency Modulation 
FMBS Frame Mode Bearer Service 
FOLLOW ME Follow me supplementary service 
FPH Free-Phone (supplementary service) 
FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System 
frequency range
FRMCS Future Rail Mobile Communication System 
Front haul
FS Fixed Services 
FSS Fixed Satellite Services 
FT File Transfer 
FTS Fixed Terminal Subsystem 
FTTR Fibre To The Room 
FUNCTIONAL (ISDN generic protocol) 
functional architecture
functional block
future releases  
FWA Fixed Wireless Access (cf RLL, WLL, FRA) 
FWS Fixed Wireless Systems 
GAP Generic Access Profile (DECT) 
gap analysis  
GEM 1.3
GenAI Generative AI 
gender-balanced design
GFT Graphical presentation Format (TTCN-3) 
GLDB Geo Location DataBase 
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System 
GMPRS GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) Mobile Packet Radio Service 
GMR GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) Mobile Radio 
GMR-1 GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) Mobile Radio - family 1 
GMR-2 GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) Mobile Radio - family 2 
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System 
GPRS General Packet Radio Service 
graphical notation
green-house gas emission
GRIDS GeneRic ID Services 
GROUP 3 (facsimile) 
GROUP 4 (facsimile) 
group call  
GROUP NUMBER Dynamic Grp No Assignement (supplementary service) 
GSM Global System for Mobile communications 
GSM-R GSM for Railways 
GSO Geostationary Satellite Orbit 
GTP GPRS Tunnelling Protocol 
GTPv2-C GPRS Tunnelling Protocol Version 2 - Control Plane 
H.248 ITU-T recommendation 
H.323 ITU-T recommendation 
H.F. High Frequency (3 MHz to 30 MHz) 
handheld microphone
HANDOVER (between cells, between networks) 
HANDSFREE (voice terminal operation) 
HAPS High Altitude Platform Station 
Harmonised standard
HDMAC High Definition MAC 
HDR High Dynamic Range 
HDR Composer
HDR Metadata Embedder
HDSL High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line 
HDTV High Definition TV 
HEALTH Long term health aspects under RTTE directive. See SAFETY. 
Hearing Impairment
Hearing Loop System
HEO Highly-inclined Elliptical Orbit (satellite) 
HF Human Factors 
HFC Hybrid Fibre Coaxial 
hidden node cf. Powerline 
HIPERACCESS high speed fixed radio access to customer premises 
HIPERLAN HIgh PErformance Radio Local Area Networks (LAN) 
HIPERMAN High performance radio metropolitain area networks 
HLC High Layer Capability information element (ISDN) 
HOLD (service) 
Home Gateway
HomePlug AV
HTML HyperText Mark-up Language 
human voice communication
HYBRID Mixed analogue/digital; or fibre/copper medium 
Hybrid Cabling System
IBCF Interconnection Border Control Function 
ICO Intermediate Circular Orbit 
ICONS cf. Human Factors 
ICS Implementation Conformance Statement 
ICT Information and Communications Technology 
ICT site hosting
ICT sites
ID Identification, Identity 
identification identification 
Identity proofing
IDL Interface Description Language 
IE Information Element (ISDN signalling) 
IEM In-Ear Monitor 
IFDN Indoor Fibre Distribution Network 
IIoT Industrial Internet of Thing 
IM Intent Management 
IM service interface  
IMEI International MS Equipment Identity (GSM) 
IMMUNITY ... to radiated/conducted interference (EMC) 
IMS IP Multimedia System 
IMT International Mobile Telecommunications 
IMT-2000 International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 (ITU project) 
IMT-Advanced IMT-Advanced 
IN Intelligent Network 
INAP IN Application Protocol 
INBAND In band (signalling) 
INCLUDE Include Call (supplementary service) 
inclusive design
Information assurance
INFORMATION MODEL Information model (see X.720) 
information preservation  
INT call INTrusion (supplementary service) 
Intelligence-defined Network
intelligent homes & buildings
intelligent mobility
intelligent transportation
intent management
INTERACTION (between services) 
Interference Analysis
INTEROPERABILITY between equipment from different suppliers 
INTERWORKING (between networks, between equipment in general) 
ION Identity Oriented Networks 
IoT Internet of Things 
IoT platforms  
IP Internet Protocol 
IP address
IP Address Resolution
IP Retention
IPCable IP services in cable TV networks 
IPR Intellectual Property Right 
IPTV Internet Protocol TeleVision 
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 
ISAC Integrated Sensing And Communications 
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical radio band (433 MHz) 
ISPBX Integrated Services Private Branch Exchange 
iSSP integrated SSP 
IST Immediate Service Termination 
ISUP ISDN User Part (of SS7) 
ITS Intelligent Transport Systems 
IXIT Implementation, eXtra Information for Testing 
jitter buffer  
KEY ESCROW (security) 
Key Exchange
KEYPAD (generic ISDN protocol) 
Knowledge Graph  
knowledge management
Knowledge-based Reasoning  
KPI KPI Performance Indicator 
LAN Local Area Network 
LAPB Link Access Protocol, Balanced (packet signalling) 
LAPD Link Access Protocol, D-channel (ISDN) 
large antenna array
LATE ENTRY Late entry (supplementary service) 
Lawful Disclosure
Lawful Interception Lawful Interception 
LAYER 1 (of OSI 7-layer model) 
LAYER 2 (of OSI 7-layer model) 
LAYER 3 (of OSI 7-layer model) 
LAYER 4 (of OSI 7-layer model) 
LAYER 6 (of OSI 7-layer model) 
LAYER 7 (of OSI 7-layer model) 
LBRDC Low Bit Rate Data Communications 
LC LSA Controller 
LC3plus Low Complexity Communication Codec plus 
LCA Life Cycle Assessment 
LE Local Exchange 
LEO Low Earth Orbiting Satellite 
LF Low Frequency (30 kHz to 300 kHz) 
LH Line Hunting (supplementary service) 
License schemes
Lightweight Certificate Policy
LIST List search call (supplementary service) 
Listen Before Talk
listening effort
listening quality
LLC Low Layer Compatibility information element (ISDN) 
LLM Large Laguage Model 
LMES Land Mobile Earth Station (satellite) 
LMSS Land Mobile Satellite Services 
LNB Low Noise Block 
LOCAL LOOP (copper, fibre, radio, ...) 
LOCATION Location 
location information  
LOUDNESS (rating) 
LOUDSPEAKING (voice terminal) 
low power
LOWER LAYER (of OSI 7-layer model) 
LR LSA Repository 
LSA Licensed Shared Access 
LSA spectrum resource  
LSE Logical Secure Element 
LSI Logical Secure element Interface 
LSN Large Scale NAT 
LTE (LTE: 3GPP technology beyond UMTS/HSPA+) 
LTE-Advanced LTE-Advanced 
LTN Low Throughput Networks 
M2M Machine to Machine (Communication) 
M2PA Message Transfer Part 2 User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer 
M2UA MTP2 user adaptation 
M3UA MTP3 user adaptation 
MAC Multiplex Analogue Components or Medium Access Control 
MAGNETIC (coupling) 
MAINTENANCE Maintenance 
MAN Metropolitan Area Network 
MAN-Advanced MAN-Advanced 
MANAGEMENT Management 
Management Plane
MANO Management and Orchestration 
MAP Mobile Access Protocol 
mapping system
MARITIME (Cf terrestrial, satellite, aeronautical) 
market placement
Match percentage  
maturity assessment
MBT Model Based Testing 
MCBTS Multi Carrier Base Tranceiver Station 
MCID Malicious Call Identification (supplementary service) 
M-Commerce Mobile Commerce 
MDAF Management Data Analytics Function 
MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY measurement uncertainties 
MEC Multi-Access Edge Computing 
MEGACO Media Gateway Controller 
MEO Medium Earth Orbit (satellite) 
MES Mobile Earth Station (satellite) 
MF Medium Frequency (300 kHz to 3 MHz) 
MFCN Mobile/Fixed Communication Network 
MFF Machine to machine Form Factor 
MGC Media Gateway Controller 
MHEG Multimedia/Hypermedia Experts Group 
MHI Message Handler Interface 
MHS Message Handling System 
Millimetre wave
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output 
mission critical applications
mission critical communication
ML Machine Learning 
ML watermarking Machine Learning watermarking 
MMC Meet Me Conference (supplementary service) 
MME Mobility Management Entity 
MMI Man-Machine Interface, human factors 
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service 
MMSS Maritime Mobile Satellite Service 
MO Managed Object 
MOBILE (telecommunications in general) 
MOBILITY (concept of) 
mobility support
MOCS Managed Object Conformance Statement 
model-driven engineering
MODEM MOdulator/DEModulator 
MONOMODE Optical fibre; terminal equipment 
MOS Mean Opinion Score 
MPA Multi-PTN Attendant (supplementary service) 
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group 
MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching 
MPTY Multiparty (supplementary service) 
MPX Multiplex(er) 
MRVT MTP Routeing verification test 
MS Mobile (radio) Station 
MS-Aloha Mobile Slotted Aloha 
MSAN Multi-Service Access Node 
MSAP Mobile Service Access Point 
MSC Mobile system Switching Centre 
MSN Multiple Subscriber Number (supplementary service) 
MSR Multi Standard Radio 
MSS Mobile Satellite Service 
MTA Message Transfer Agent 
MTP Message Transfer Part (SS7) 
MTP2 Message Transfer Part layer 2 
MTP3 Message Transfer Part layer 3 
MTS Message Transfer System 
multi service testing
MULTICALL supplementary service; <1 cct-switched call per UE 
MULTICHANNEL Multiple 64 kbit/s channels 
MULTIMEDIA inc Hypermedia 
MULTIMODE Optical fibre; terminal equipment 
multi-party computation
multi-path Transmission from multiple sources to each destination 
MULTIPOINT multipoint to multipoint communication - see "broadcast" 
multi-source Transmission from multiple sources to each destination 
MUX Multiplex, multiplexing 
MWI Message Waiting Indication (supplementary service) 
MWS Multimedia Wireless Systems 
mWT millimetre wave, transmission 
NAME (generic identification supplementary services) 
Native AI  
NAVIGATION cf. Human Factors 
NAVTEX Navigation telegraph 
NBI Northbound Interface 
NCF Network Control Facilities 
NE Network Element 
network coding Operation on Source Symbols that produces Coded Symbols for 
Network KQI
network large mode
network large model
network management
Network Measurement
Network monitoring
Network Performance
Network scenarios
new functionality  
Next Generation Protocol
NFC Near Field Communication 
NFV Network Functions Virtualization 
NFV evolution  
NFVI NFV Infrastructure 
NFVO Network Functions Virtualisation Orchestrator 
NGAP NG Application Protocol 
NICAM Near-instantaneous companded audio multiplex 
NINT Network Interception (supplementary service) 
NIT Network Integration Testing 
NMDS Narrowband Multi-service Delivery System 
NNI Network-Network Interface 
Noise Cancellation
NOMADIC Nomadic Wireless Access 
non 3GPP access
NON-GSO Non-GeoStationary Orbit 
Normalized Certificate Policy
NP Number Portablilty 
NR 3GPP 5G radio access technology 
NS Night Service (supplementary service) 
NSS Network Switching Subsystem 
OAM Operations And Maintenance 
OAN Optical Access Network 
object audio
ODA Open Document Architecture 
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing 
OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access 
OIP Originating Identification Presentation 
OIR Originating Identification Restriction 
OKPI Operational Key Performance Indicators 
OLT Optical Line Terminal 
OMAP Operations, Maintenance and Administration Protocol 
ON Optical Distribution Network 
ONP Open Network Provision 
ontology ontology 
open source  
Open Source Software OSS 
OPTICAL (fibre) 
Optical Access Network
Optical Network Device
OSA Open Service Access 
OSI Open Systems Interconnection 
OSS Open Source Software 
OSSS Orthogonal Sequence Spread Spectrum 
OTE Open Testing Environment 
OTT voice applications OTT voice applications 
OTT voice generic clients OTT voice generic clients 
OUTBAND Out of band (signalling) 
outdoor enclosure  
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange 
PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler 
PAdES PDF Advanced Electronic Signature 
PAP Public Access Profile 
parallel task
PAS Publicly Available Specification 
PCI Programmable Communications Interface 
PCM Pulse Code Modulation 
PCN Personal Communications Network 
PCTR Protocol Conformance Testing Report 
PDC Programme Delivery Control (for domestic video/VCR) 
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 
PDL Permissioned Distributed Ledger 
PDN Public Data Network 
PDO Packet data optimized (TETRA) 
PERFORMANCE (inc. Quality of Service) 
personalization adaptation to personal preferences and needs 
PES PSTN/ISDN Emulation Subsystem 
PHI Packet Handler Interface 
Physical layer
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement 
PICTOGRAMS cf. Human Factors 
PIM Physical Infrastructure Management 
PINX PTN Exchange 
PISN Private Telecommunication Network 
PIXIT Protocol Implementation, eXtra Information for Testing 
PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Procedure 
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network 
PLUS to cover for + as in Phase 2+ 
PMBS Packet Mode Bearer Service 
PMR Private Mobile Radio 
PMSE Programme Making Special Events 
POF Plastic Optical Fiber 
policy management
policy requirements
PON Passive Optical Network 
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service 
POWER (radio transmission) 
Power Measurement
Power over Coaxial Cable
PRIMARY (rate, ISDN access) 
PRIORITY CALL Priority Call (supplementary service) 
PRIVATE (network) 
PRM Premium Rate service 
product details
PROFILE (protocol stack) 
profile overview  
Proof of Concept  
PROTECTION ...against transients, EMC, etc 
PSAP Public Safety Answering Point 
PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network 
PSS1 Private network Q reference point Signalling System number 1 
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 
PTS Profile Test Specification 
PUBLIC (network) 
Public key Public key (encryption) 
Public Safety
PUM Private User Mobility 
push Push service (unsolicited information transfer to user) 
PVC Permanent Virtual Call 
PWS Public Warning System 
PWSN People With Special Needs 
QERDS Qualified Electronic Registered Delivery Service 
QoE Quality of Experience 
QoE layered model
QoS Quality of Service 
QREM Qualified Registered Electronic Mail 
QSIG PTN signalling at the Q reference point 
quantum cryptography  
Quantum Key Distribution  
Quantum Safe Cryptography
quick ODN
R2 Signalling system R2 
radio measurements  
RADIO MIC Wireless microphone 
radio parameters
RAP Radio Application Package 
RATE (transmission bit rate) 
RC Remote Control (supplementary service) 
RCS Rich Communication Suite 
RDS Radio Data System 
RDSS Radio Determination Satellite Service 
real time real time 
Real World capture
Real-time text
RECEIVER (radio, etc) 
Referential specification
registered e-delivery services
registered electronic mail
REGULATION Signifies relevance to EC Directive. 
RELAY Radio relay 
relay services  
REM Registered Electronic Mail 
REMOTE (control, surveillance, etc) 
remote resources access
remote services access
REPEATER (radio) 
REPLICATION of directories, etc 
REPORT Call report (supplementary service) 
Request For Proposal (RFP)  
RES Radio Equipment and Systems 
residential network
Retained Data
RETENTION Call retention (supplementary service) 
RETRIEVAL document, database, etc 
REV Reverse charging 
RF HW models
RF/analog impairments
RIS Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces 
risk assessment
risk management
RLAN Radio Local Area Network 
RLL Radio in the Local Loop 
RLP Radio Link Protocol (GSM) 
RO Receive Only 
ROAMING (mobile) 
routing support
RPF Reverse Power Feed 
RRS Reconfigurable Radio System 
RTTH Radio To The Home (DECT) 
RTTT Radio Transport and Traffic Telematics 
S REFERENCE POINT S Reference Point 
S11 interface between the MME and S-GW 
S1AP S1 Application Protocol 
SAR Search And Rescue 
SATELLITE (Cf terrestrial, aeronautical, maritime) 
SBA Service Based Architecture 
SBI SouthBound Interface 
SC Service Centre (GSM) 
SCAS Security Assurance Spec 
SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part (SS7) 
SCF Selective Call Forwarding supplementary service 
SCFB SCF on Busy supplementary service 
SCFNR SCF on No Reply supplementary service 
SCFU SCF Unconditional supplementary service 
SCL SSP Common Layer 
SCR Screening (supplementary service) 
SCRIPT programme, sequence of commands 
SCS System Conformance Statement 
SCTP Simple Control Transmission Protocol (IETF) 
SCWS Smart Card Web Server 
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 
SDL Specification and Description Language 
SDN Software Defined Networks 
SDR Software Defined Radio 
SDS Short Data Service 
SDSL Symetrical / Short range Digital Subscriber Line 
SE Serial Call (supplementary service) 
SECTION (view across interface) 
secure by default  
secure element
secure e-mail
Security by default
Security mode (Mobile Commerce) 
Security requirements
SELCALL Selective Calling (radio) 
Semantic Semantic 
semantic reasoning
service classification
service KQI
service model
Session Initiation Protocol SIP 
SFC Service Function Chain 
SG Signalling Gateway 
SGW Serving Gateway 
SHF Super High Frequency (3 GHz to 30 GHz) 
SHORT NUMBER Short number addressing 
SHORT RANGE (radio) 
sign language  
SIGTRAN Signalling transport (IETF WG) 
SIM Subscriber Identity Module (GSM) 
SIP Supplementary Information Presentation (supp. service) 
SIP-I Session Initiation Protocol with encapsulated ISUP 
SLA Service Level Agreement 
SLO Service Level Objectives 
smart agriculture
Smart Appliance
SMART CARD embedded IC card 
Smart Cities
smart city  
smart contract  
Smart Escalator  
Smart Grid
Smart Identity
smart industry
Smart Interface
Smart Lift
smart manufacturing
smart meter smart meter 
Smart Voice-Controlled Device
smart water
Smart Watering
SMATV System Master Antenna TV 
SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprise 
SMS Short Message Service (GSM) 
SMSCB SMS Cell Broadcast 
SMT Surface Mount Technique 
SN Service Node 
SNG Satellite News Gathering 
Software Reconfiguration
Software-Defined Networking
SOHO Small Office Home Office 
SoLSA Support of Localised Service Area (SoLSA) (GSM) 
sound sound 
Southbound Interface
SPACING (between radio transmitters) 
S-PCN Satellite - Personal Communications Network (Cf PCN) 
SPECIAL NEEDS cf. Human Factors 
Spectral Management
spectrum regulation
SPI Serial Peripheral Interf 
Splitter Device for separation of signals 
SPREAD SPECTRUM (radio transmission) 
SRD Short Range Device (radio) 
SRDOC System Reference Document 
SS7 CCITT Common Channel Signalling System No. 7 
SSB Single Side Band modulation 
SSCF Service Specific Co-ordination Function 
SSCOP Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol 
SS-CT Call transfer (supplementary service) 
SSF Service Switching Function 
SSIG Terminal-Network signalling at the S reference point 
SSL/TLS certificates
SSP Smart Secure Platform 
STAGE 1 (of three stage method) 
STAGE 2 (of three stage method) 
STAGE 3 (of three stage method) 
standardization impacts
standards framework
standards landscape
state of the art  
STDMA Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access 
STM Synchronous Transport Module 
STORE store and forward, stored speech services 
SUA SCCP-user adaptation layer (IETF) 
SUB Subaddressing (supplementary service) 
subjective testing
SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE Supplementary service (also supp. service or ss.) 
SYMBOLS cf. Human Factors 
T REFERENCE POINT T Reference point 
TAA1 TETRA Authentication Algorithm number 1. 
TAA2 TETRA Authentication Algorithm number 2 
TACTILE MMI for the blind 
TAXONOMY Taxonomy 
TC Transaction Capabilities 
TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part (SS7) 
TCI TTCN-3 Control Interface 
TCL Test Case Library 
TCP-based video services
TD-CDMA Time Division - Code-Division Multiple Access 
TDD Time Division Duplexing 
TDM Time Division Multiplex 
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access (radio) 
technological challenge
TELEACTION ISDN teleservice 
TELECOMMAND inc. remote control 
Television receivers
TERMINAL (as opposed to NETWORK) 
TERRESTRIAL (Cf satellite, maritime, aeronautical) 
TES Transportable Earth Station (satellite) 
Test Tool Interface
TETRA TErrestrial Trunked RAdio system 
TFI Terminal Facility Identifier 
TFT Tabular presentation Format (TTCN-3) 
TFTS Terrestrial-Flight Telecommunications System 
TH Trunk Hunting (supplementary service) 
Threat Analysis
threat intelligence  
THz TeraHertz 
THz component technologies
THz materials
time series time series 
Time-stamping (security) 
TIP Terminating Identification Presentation 
TIR Terminating Identification Restriction 
TMN Telecommunications Management Network 
TONE Information tones on voice terminals/network 
Total conversation
TP Terminal Portability (supplementary service) 
TPID Talking party identification (supplementary service) 
transceiver efficiency
TRANSIENT ... voltage, current, field, etc 
TRANSPONDER (satellite) 
TRI TTCN-3 Runtime Interface 
trust services (security) 
Trustworthy AI
TSP1 Test Synchronisation Protocol no. 1 
TSS&TP Test suite structure & test purposes 
TTCN Tree and Tabular Combined Notation 
TTP Trusted Third Party 
TUP Telephone User Part 
TV TeleVision 
TVRO TV Receive Only (satellite earth station) 
U REFERENCE POINT U reference point 
UAN Universal Access Number service 
UCI Universal Communications Identifier 
UE Identity
UHDTV Ultra High Definition TV 
UHF Ultra-High Frequency (300 MHz to 3 GHz) 
UIC Union Internationale des Chemins de fer 
UICC Universal Integrated Circuit Card 
UIS User Information System 
UMB Ultra Mobile Broadband 
UML Universal modelling language 
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System 
UNB Ultra Narrow Band 
Unbundling Unbundling in the local loop 
UNDERGROUND (environment) 
UNDERWATER (cabling) 
UNI User-Network Interface 
UPnP Universal Plug and Play 
upper layer  
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 
UPT Universal Personal Telecommunications 
UR User Requirements 
URI Uniform Resource Identifier 
usability extent to which a product can be used 
usage needs
USB Universal Serial Bus 
USBS User Signalling Bearer Service 
use case use case 
USER (as opposed to Network) 
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data 
UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access 
UUS User-User Signalling (supplementary service) 
UWB Ultra Wide Band 
UWC 136 Universal Wireless Communication (wrt TIA/EIA 136) 
V INTERFACE Interface from AN to LE (see Q.500) 
V+D Voice plus data (TETRA) 
VAD Voice Activity Detection 
VALIDATION Of functional requirements, such as protocols, etc. 
VB5 INTERFACE Broadband interface from AN to SN 
VC Virtual Call 
VCC Virtual Card Calling service 
VCR Video Cassette Recorder 
VDSL Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line 
VEMMI Videotex Enhanced MMI (see Videotex, MMI) 
Verifiable Registry
VHE Virtual Home Environment 
VHF Very High Frequency (30 MHz to 300 MHz) 
Video Security
Video Surveillance
ViLTE Video over LTE 
VIM Virtualised Infrastructure Manager 
ViNR Video over New Radio 
virtual services  
Virtualisation Virtualisation 
VLF Very Low Frequency (3 kHz to 30 kHz) 
VM Virtual Machine 
VNF Virtual Network Function 
Vo5G Voice over 5G 
VOCABULARY Vocabulary, jargon, technical terms, etc 
VoDSL Voice over DSL 
VOICE Voice band (300 Hz to 3,4 kHz) (Cf SPEECH) 
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol 
VoNR Voice over New Radio 
VOT Tele-Voting service 
VPN Virtual Private Network 
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal (satellite earth station) 
VSB Vestigial Side Band amplitude modulation (VSB/AM) 
WAN Wide Area Network 
WAS Wireless Access Systems 
Waste management
water consumption
WCDMA Wideband Code-Division Multiple Access 
WCG Wide Colour Gamut 
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing 
WDS Wireless Data Systems 
WEEE Waste of Electric and Electronical Equipment 
white space
WIDE SCREEN Wide Screen (16:9 aspect ratio for TV screens) 
wireless ad-hoc network
Wireless charger
wireless mesh network
wireless microphone  
wireless microphone system  
WLL Wireless Local Loop (DECT) 
WMAN Wireless Metropolitan Area Network 
WoT Web of Things 
WPT Wireless Power Transmission 
WRS Wireless Relay Station (DECT) 
WTM Wireless Terminal Mobility 
X.21 CCITT Recommendation X.21 
X.25 CCITT Recommendation X.25 
X.28 CCITT Recommendation X.28 
X.31 CCITT Recommendation X.31 
X.32 CCITT Recommendation X.32 
X.500 CCITT Recommendation X.500 
X.75 CCITT Recommendation X.75 
XAdES XML Advanced Electronic Signature 
xDSL (generic) Digital Subscriber Line 
XML Extensible Markup Language 
YANG Yet Another Next Generation 
Advanced Search: Funded Work Programme

If you are aware of an EC 'DIRECTIVE' being attached to a work item you can search using this information.

It is also possible to search for 'Only Harmonised Standards' and/or 'Only Mandated Standards' by checking the relevant boxes.

You also have the possibility to view all work items attached to a particular 'STF' (Specialist Task Force).

Filling out the Aspects of an ETSI Work Item form
  • Users:
  • What is the end-use of the proposed ETSI Deliverable? Is it of interest to companies/organisations outside the telecommunications industry? Is it useful for companies or organisations seeking to improve their experience of using communications, or achieve better Quality of Service? Will it improve privacy and security of user communications?

  • Consumers:
  • Does the topic concern communications or broadcasting in the home environment, user-friendliness of products and applications in general, accessibility, or privacy and security of individuals? Are there aspects related to individuals’ accessibility to products or services? If so, then consumer representatives need to participate.

  • Environment issues:
  • Does the subject have any relevance or potential impact for the environment? Does the proposal have any relevance for, or potential impact on, the use of resources (energy, material, water), emissions/discharges (to air, soil, water), radiation, noise and impact on biodiversity? If so, then the work needs to involve environmental stakeholders.

  • Labour:
  • Does the proposed ETSI Deliverable affect Occupational Health and Safety in the working environment? Are the actions of a worker operating communications equipment likely to be involved or affected, bearing worker safety in mind in particular? If so, then worker representatives should be consulted.

  • SMEs:
  • Will the ETSI Deliverable be of particular interest for SMEs, for example will it be especially be useful for smaller companies? Will its implementation have particular implications for SMEs? If the ETSI Deliverable requires testing or third-party conformity assessment, is this likely to have high costs that would affect companies with smaller production scales? Is the ETSI Deliverable likely to be used as reference in public procurement?
    Do you consider that the participation of SMEs in your TC, EP or SC should be increased? Would you like SME associations, clusters and trade bodies to be informed about it, such that they can call on their constituents to participate?

  • Security and privacy:
  • Security is an increasingly important aspect of many ETSI Deliverables, as are data protection and the privacy of end-users, whether entities or individuals. Often these aspects are the main objective of ETSI Deliverables. But do ETSI Deliverables proposed for other purposes have implications for security and/or privacy? If so, due reference is needed on the Work Item form.

Advanced Search: Sort Results By

Finally, when you have entered as much criteria as you need you can choose to have the results/report sorted in one of five different ways:

  • by ETSI Work Item Reference
  • by ETSI Document Number
  • by ETSI Document Type
  • new/changed
  • by Technical Body

NOTE: When the document number sort order is selected, the various versions/editions of an individual document will be shown in reverse order (i.e. newest first).

Report Type

The list of work items resulting from a search can be viewed in 3 different formats (Summary reports). In each report it is possible to select an individual work item and obtain more detail.

Work Item Summary List
The Work Item Summary List is the default format. It contains the following information:
Current state if any Deliverable Type, Document Number, Version or Edition Number
Work Item Reference
Technical Body
Link to Work Item Details
List of Mandates
Title Status
Work Item Title Current Status
Last achieved status in schedule
Next status in schedule

Work Item Plan
The Work Item Plan contains the following information:
Work Item Title Current Status
Work Item Type and Number
Work Item Reference
Work Item Title Last Achieved Status in Schedule
Link to Download Standards

Draft Available WG Approval TB Approval MV/PE/OAP Start PE End Voting Start
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
(Procedure Name)
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Voting/OAP End Adoption Publication OJ Publication
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past
Achieved Date
Or Late Achieved Date
Or Target Date
Or Target Date in the Past

Work Item Progress Report
The Work Item Progress Report contains the following information:
Work Item Title Current Status
Work Item Type and Number
Work Item Reference
Work Item Title Last Achieved Status Date Or
Last Achieved Status Date when Achieved Late
Current Status
Planned Next Status Planned Next Procedure
Target Date Or
Target Date in the Past
Next Planned Status
Target Date Or
Target Date in the Past
Next Planned Procedure

Advanced Search: Search Button

In order to see the results of your search then click on 'SEARCH'.

Advanced Search: Clear All Button

If you wish to clear the form to begin a new search or if you have made a mistake then click 'CLEAR ALL'.

Pre-Defined Reports
Work In Progress Per TB
All Publications Since
Harmonised Standards
Rapporteur's Report
Supporting Organizations
STF Deliverables
En Approval, Standstill, Transposition, And Deliverables
Member Voting
Candidate For Stopping and Outdated Target Dates

Each of these pre-defined reports runs independently of all the others. This means that you cannot select criteria from more than one report type.

Pre-Defined Reports: Work In Progress Per TB

In the drop down menu you can select the technical body or bodies that you are interested in and produce a report detailing all of the work items which are in progress for that particular TB (active work items that are not yet published). Your search will automatically include the work items of all working groups related to the technical body that you select.

If you wish to select more than one technical body then hold the Ctrl button and click on each Technical Body of interest.

By default, only active technical bodies appear in the list. If you are interested in the work items of inactive (closed) technical bodies then click on 'Include Non-Active TBs'.

Pre-Defined Reports: All Publications Since

This report will allow you to see all documents that have been published since a certain date. You will need to select the date yourself, the day, the month and the year depending on which period you are interested in.

Pre-Defined Reports: Harmonised Standards

By selecting one of the Directives from the drop down menu you can produce a report on all of the harmonised standards related to that particular Directive.

You also have the option to 'Exclude Completed Items'. This gives you the possibility of viewing active work items only.

Pre-Defined Reports: Rapporteur's Report

You have the option to search for all work items under the responsibility of a particular rapporteur. You may type the first name, last name, a part of the name using * as a wildcard or just click on 'LIST' to get a list of all rapporteurs.

Secondly you have the option to search by the organization of the rapporteur. You can be specific by typing for example, 'ALCATEL BELL' or if you only know that the rapporteur works for ALCATEL but you are not sure which subsidiary then type ALCATEL* and you will be given a list of all work items under the responsibility of any rapporteur working for any subsidiary of ALCATEL.

You also have the option to 'Exclude Completed Items'. This gives you the possibility of viewing active work items only.

Pre-Defined Reports: Supporting Organizations

You can search for work items supported by ETSI member organizations. This data is stored in a text field and it is most often the case that the full, formal name of the organization is not recorded (e. 'Lucent' instead of 'Lucent Technologies EMEA B.V.). Consequently, the best results will be achieved by taking this into account (eg Search on Lucent).

It is also possible to search for combinations of supporting organizations using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT and ()). For example: Lucent AND Alcatel AND NOT (Nortel OR BT).

Pre-Defined Reports: STF Deliverables

In this drop down menu you have the option to select one or more STFs (Specialist Task Forces) and to have a report showing all work items resulting from that particular STF.

You have the option to select more than one STF by holding the Ctrl button and clicking the STFs of interest.

You also have the option to 'Exclude Completed Items'. This gives you the possibility of viewing active work items only.

Pre-Defined Reports: EN Approval, Standstill, Transposition, And Deliverables

You have the option to produce reports showing the status of deliverables and the approval process they are following with these last three report options.

  • EN Approval is a tool which allows voting contacts of NSOs to submit their votes and comments on EN deliverables via a Web interface. This includes the One Step Approval Procedure and the Two Step Approval Procedures (Public Enquiry and Voting).
  • The Standstill tool allows the public to view ETSI work items for which standstill has been imposed. A description of the criteria used for querying the work item database is given by selecting from each form field title.
  • The Transposition search and view facility allows you to view all transposition data. You can define search criteria to select for which deliverables and countries the transposition data should be displayed.
  • The Deliverable application gives information about ETSI deliverables made available to the National Statndards Organizations (NSOs) for the purpose of Public Enquiry and Voting plus publications made during the last 6 months.
Pre-Defined Reports: Member Voting

This drop down menu gives you the option to view a list of deliverables which have 'Open Votes', 'Closed Votes' or 'Scheduled Votes'. Each of these options takes you into the Member Voting web application where you have the opportunity to view votes that are ongoing, votes that have passed and votes that are scheduled for the future.

Pre-Defined Reports: Candidates for Stopping and Outdated Target Dates

These two reports are designed to focus on work items where progress is not meeting expectations. They are primarily intended for the TB officials, to be used to keep the work programme current.

'Candidates for Stopping' shows work items where no achieved date has been recorded in the database during the last 12 months.

'Outdated Target Dates' shows work items where the target dates for non-achieved milestones are in the past (i.e. the database is not up to date).

It is possible to select one or more Technical Bodies of interest (for more than one TB, hold the Ctrl button and click on those of interest).

It is also possible to select or deselect the working groups of a TB by checking the 'Include Working Groups' box.

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