2025-01-21 Version 2.1
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EOL User Guide Work Programme

Pre-Defined Reports
Work In Progress Per TB
All Publications Since
Harmonised Standards
Rapporteur's Report
Supporting Organizations
STF Deliverables
En Approval, Standstill, Transposition, And Deliverables
Member Voting
Candidate For Stopping and Outdated Target Dates

Each of these pre-defined reports runs independently of all the others. This means that you cannot select criteria from more than one report type.

Pre-Defined Reports: Work In Progress Per TB

In the drop down menu you can select the technical body or bodies that you are interested in and produce a report detailing all of the work items which are in progress for that particular TB (active work items that are not yet published). Your search will automatically include the work items of all working groups related to the technical body that you select.

If you wish to select more than one technical body then hold the Ctrl button and click on each Technical Body of interest.

By default, only active technical bodies appear in the list. If you are interested in the work items of inactive (closed) technical bodies then click on 'Include Non-Active TBs'.

Pre-Defined Reports: All Publications Since

This report will allow you to see all documents that have been published since a certain date. You will need to select the date yourself, the day, the month and the year depending on which period you are interested in.

Pre-Defined Reports: Harmonised Standards

By selecting one of the Directives from the drop down menu you can produce a report on all of the harmonised standards related to that particular Directive.

You also have the option to 'Exclude Completed Items'. This gives you the possibility of viewing active work items only.

Pre-Defined Reports: Rapporteur's Report

You have the option to search for all work items under the responsibility of a particular rapporteur. You may type the first name, last name, a part of the name using * as a wildcard or just click on 'LIST' to get a list of all rapporteurs.

Secondly you have the option to search by the organization of the rapporteur. You can be specific by typing for example, 'ALCATEL BELL' or if you only know that the rapporteur works for ALCATEL but you are not sure which subsidiary then type ALCATEL* and you will be given a list of all work items under the responsibility of any rapporteur working for any subsidiary of ALCATEL.

You also have the option to 'Exclude Completed Items'. This gives you the possibility of viewing active work items only.

Pre-Defined Reports: Supporting Organizations

You can search for work items supported by ETSI member organizations. This data is stored in a text field and it is most often the case that the full, formal name of the organization is not recorded (e. 'Lucent' instead of 'Lucent Technologies EMEA B.V.). Consequently, the best results will be achieved by taking this into account (eg Search on Lucent).

It is also possible to search for combinations of supporting organizations using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT and ()). For example: Lucent AND Alcatel AND NOT (Nortel OR BT).

Pre-Defined Reports: STF Deliverables

In this drop down menu you have the option to select one or more STFs (Specialist Task Forces) and to have a report showing all work items resulting from that particular STF.

You have the option to select more than one STF by holding the Ctrl button and clicking the STFs of interest.

You also have the option to 'Exclude Completed Items'. This gives you the possibility of viewing active work items only.

Pre-Defined Reports: EN Approval, Standstill, Transposition, And Deliverables

You have the option to produce reports showing the status of deliverables and the approval process they are following with these last three report options.

  • EN Approval is a tool which allows voting contacts of NSOs to submit their votes and comments on EN deliverables via a Web interface. This includes the One Step Approval Procedure and the Two Step Approval Procedures (Public Enquiry and Voting).
  • The Standstill tool allows the public to view ETSI work items for which standstill has been imposed. A description of the criteria used for querying the work item database is given by selecting from each form field title.
  • The Transposition search and view facility allows you to view all transposition data. You can define search criteria to select for which deliverables and countries the transposition data should be displayed.
  • The Deliverable application gives information about ETSI deliverables made available to the National Statndards Organizations (NSOs) for the purpose of Public Enquiry and Voting plus publications made during the last 6 months.
Pre-Defined Reports: Member Voting

This drop down menu gives you the option to view a list of deliverables which have 'Open Votes', 'Closed Votes' or 'Scheduled Votes'. Each of these options takes you into the Member Voting web application where you have the opportunity to view votes that are ongoing, votes that have passed and votes that are scheduled for the future.

Pre-Defined Reports: Candidates for Stopping and Outdated Target Dates

These two reports are designed to focus on work items where progress is not meeting expectations. They are primarily intended for the TB officials, to be used to keep the work programme current.

'Candidates for Stopping' shows work items where no achieved date has been recorded in the database during the last 12 months.

'Outdated Target Dates' shows work items where the target dates for non-achieved milestones are in the past (i.e. the database is not up to date).

It is possible to select one or more Technical Bodies of interest (for more than one TB, hold the Ctrl button and click on those of interest).

It is also possible to select or deselect the working groups of a TB by checking the 'Include Working Groups' box.

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