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Details of 'DTS/TSGT-0331120U' Work Item
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  DTS/TSGT-0331120U TS 131 120   3GPP T 3
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2001-02-13) 3.0.0 2000-12-31   1999-10-20
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Klaus Vedder Issam Toufik No
Title Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UICC-Terminal Interface; Physical, Electrical and Logical Test Specification (3GPP TS 31.120 version 3.0.0 Release 1999)
Scope and Field
of Application
T3#8: Rapporteur to be provided by Orga (subject to confirmation).
- Justification and scope
This work item (Tdoc T3-99320) creates a terminal test specification for the interface between the UICC and the terminal based on R99 "Core" spec.
It will be based on the tests currently contained in GSM 11.10-1 clause 27.
- 3GPP work area: TSG Terminals, WG3 (USIM)
- Linked work items: 3G TS 31.101 "UICC / terminal interface; Physical and logical characteristics", 3G TS 31.102 "Characteristics of the USIM application"
- Service aspects: None.
- MMI-aspects: None.
- Charging aspects: None.
- Security Aspects: None.
- Secondary responsible working parties: 3GPP TSG-T WG1
- NOTE: The above time scales are dependent on the provision of funding for a project team to write this specification as requested by TSG-T to PCG in SP-99277.
Supporting organisations: Aspects Software, Ericsson, G&D, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Orga, Schlumberger
Not Available


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Wireless Systems
Official Journal

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