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Details of 'DTR/TISPAN-07032-NGN-R2' Work Item
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  DTR/TISPAN-07032-NGN-R2 TR 187 012   TISPAN 07
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2009-11-26) 2.1.1 2009-11-26   2007-09-06
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Scott Cadzow Carmine Rizzo No
Title Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); NGN Security; Report and recommendations on compliance to the data retention directive for NGN-R2
Scope and Field
of Application
The work item shall report on the steps required to cover the requirements of the Data Retention (DR) directive for all of NGN-R2.The report is expected to identify an architecture for DR in an NGN that covers the following:
·Identify the Points of Retention (PoR) in an NGN;
·Identify the Points of Archive and Retrieval (PoAaR) in an NGN;
·Identify the data to be retained at each PoR;
·Identify the transfer from PoRs to Points of Archive and Retrieval (PoAaR);
·To identify the security requirements for PoRs and PoAaRs including the requirements for security of transfers between them;
·To identify the future standardisation work.
The scope shall not extend to the handover domain (responsibility of TC LI) but shall consider the multi-vendor, multi-provider, aspects of DR in an NGN. Aspects relating to common IMS shall not be covered but if identified shall be transferred to the responsibility of 3GPP. 
C3L, Cisco, Verisign Switzerland, NPIA, Verint/IAESI, HP, Aqsacom, NTAC (to be confirmed) 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
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Official Journal

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