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Details of 'DGS/MEC-0030V2XAPI' Work Item
Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
in Charge
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DGS/MEC-0030V2XAPI (PDF Format) Download standrd ref:
DGS/MEC-0030V2XAPI (Word Format)
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2020-04-30) 2.1.1 2020-04-30 View Standstill Information 2018-01-25
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Miltiadis Filippou Chantal Bonardi No
Title Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC); V2X Information Service API
Scope and Field
of Application
This work item intends to introduce a Vehicular-to-Everything (V2X) MEC service, in order to facilitate V2X interoperability in a multi-vendor, multi-network and multi-access environment. It describes the V2X-related information flows, required information and operations. The present document specifies the necessary API with the data model and data format. 
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Vodafone Group Plc, ITRI, Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd, ZTE Corporation, Huawei Technologies France, ViaviSolutions Deutsch. GmbH, Saguna Networks Ltd, Nokia Germany 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Official Journal
2020-04-20 bonardi Final draft for approval proposal in contribution MEC(20)000119r1 was Accepted by 2.0.16
2020-04-20 bonardi Draft contributed - V 2.0.16 contributed for Decision in MEC(20)000119r1 as Final draft for approval
2020-04-20 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.16 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-04-20 bonardi Final draft for approval proposal in contribution MEC(20)000119 was Noted by MEC (see RC MEC(20)DEC109)
2020-04-02 bonardi Draft contributed - V 2.0.15 contributed for Decision in MEC(20)000119 as Final draft for approval
2020-04-02 bonardi A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.15 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-04-02 bonardi Start of TB approval process proposal in contribution MEC(20)000100 was Noted by MEC (see RC MEC(20)DIS106)
2020-03-16 bonardi Draft contributed - V 2.0.14 contributed for Discussion in MEC(20)000100 as Final draft for approval
2020-03-16 filippou Status updated - V 2.0.14 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-03-05 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.14 contributed for Information in MEC(20)000083 as Stable draft
2020-03-05 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.14 with status: Stable draft
2020-02-17 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.13 contributed for Information in MEC(20)000060 as Stable draft
2020-02-17 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.13 with status: Stable draft
2019-12-18 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.12 contributed for Information in MEC(19)000500 as Stable draft
2019-12-18 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.12 with status: Stable draft
2019-11-27 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.11 contributed for Information in MEC(19)000484 as Stable draft
2019-11-27 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.11 with status: Stable draft
2019-11-07 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.10 with status: Stable draft
2019-10-24 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.9 with status: Stable draft
2019-09-13 bonardi Early draft proposal in contribution MEC(19)000331r3 was Noted by MEC
2019-09-12 jinsu Draft contributed - V 2.0.8 contributed for Decision in MEC(19)000331r3 as Early draft
2019-09-12 jinsu Early draft proposal in contribution MEC(19)000331r2 was Revised by MEC
2019-09-12 jinsu Draft contributed - V 2.0.8 contributed for Decision in MEC(19)000331r2 as Early draft
2019-09-12 bonardi Early draft proposal in contribution MEC(19)000331r1 was Noted by MEC
2019-09-12 jinsu Draft contributed - V 2.0.8 contributed for Decision in MEC(19)000331r1 as Early draft
2019-09-12 jinsu Early draft proposal in contribution MEC(19)000331 was Revised by MEC
2019-09-01 jinsu Draft contributed - V 2.0.8 contributed for Decision in MEC(19)000331 as Early draft
2019-07-01 reznika Early draft proposal in contribution MEC(19)000233 was Noted by MEC
2019-06-19 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.8 contributed for Information in MEC(19)000233 as Early draft
2019-06-19 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.8 with status: Early draft
2018-12-12 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.7 contributed for Information in MEC(18)000539 as Early draft
2018-12-12 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.7 with status: Early draft
2018-10-26 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.6 contributed for Information in MEC(18)000463 as Early draft
2018-10-26 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.6 with status: Early draft
2018-09-11 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.5 contributed for Information in MEC(18)000386 as Early draft
2018-09-11 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.5 with status: Early draft
2018-07-06 filippou Draft contributed - V 2.0.4 contributed for Information in MEC(18)000302 as Early draft
2018-07-06 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.4 with status: Early draft
2018-06-18 filippou Draft contributed - V 1.3.0 contributed for Information in MEC(18)000271 as Early draft
2018-06-18 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 1.3.0 with status: Early draft
2018-03-13 filippou A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.0 with status: Early draft
2018-02-14 FILIPPOU TB adoption of WI MEC, see contribution MEC(18)000032r3 in RC MEC(18)DEC048
2018-01-30 FILIPPOU WI proposed to TB MEC, see contribution MEC(18)000032r3
2018-01-25 FILIPPOU WI proposed to TB MEC, see contribution MEC(18)000032r2
2018-01-25 FILIPPOU WI proposed to TB MEC, see contribution MEC(18)000032r1
2018-01-25 FILIPPOU WI proposed to TB MEC, see contribution MEC(18)000032

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