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Details of 'RES/MTS--TDL1197v131' Work Item
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RES/MTS--TDL1197v131 (Word Format)
  RES/MTS--TDL1197v131 ES 203 119-7 T013 MTS
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2022-05-31) 1.3.1 2022-05-31 View Standstill Information 2020-08-13
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Philip Makedonski Emmanuelle Chaulot-Talmon No
Title Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); The Test Description Language (TDL); Part 7: Extended Test Configurations
Scope and Field
of Application
This extension package to TDL introduces additional features for the specification of extended test configurations by reusing existing test configurations. Existing test configurations can be instantiated within an extended test configuration. By means of test configuration operations, the test configuration instances can be modified within an extended test configuration, without affecting the original test configuration specification that is instantiated.  
Siemens AG, Spirent Communications, Cinderella ApS, Ericsson AB, Institut für Informatik, OU Elvior 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Official Journal
2022-02-21 chaulottalmo TB approval proposal in contribution MTS(22)085008 was Accepted by MTS (see RC MTS(22)DEC069)
2022-01-17 makedonski Draft contributed - V 1.2.3 contributed for Decision in MTS(22)085008 as Final draft for approval
2022-01-17 makedonski A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.3 with status: Final draft for approval
2021-09-22 makedonski Draft contributed - V 1.2.2 contributed for Decision in MTS(21)084010 as Stable draft
2021-09-22 makedonski A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.2 with status: Stable draft
2020-08-31 CHAULOTT TB adoption of WI MTS, see contribution MTS(20)000041 in RC MTS(20)DEC059
2020-08-13 CHAULOTT WI proposed to TB MTS, see contribution MTS(20)000041
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