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Details of 'RGS/CIM-0004v112' Work Item
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  RGS/CIM-0004v112 GS CIM 004   CIM
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2020-06-02) 1.1.2 2020-06-02   2020-04-27
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  lindsay frost Patrick Guillemin No
Title Context Information Management (CIM); Application Programming Interface (API)
CIM APIprelimv112 
Scope and Field
of Application
The purpose of this Group Specification is the (preliminary) definition of a standard API for Context Information Management (CIM-API) enabling close to real-time access to information coming from many different sources (not only IoT). The document shall define how such an API enables applications to perform updates on context, register context providers which can be queried to get updates on context, query information on current and historic context information and subscribe for receiving notifications on context changes. The criteria for choice of the API characteristics shall be based on results in WI UC and WI GAP.
This Group Specification is labelled "preliminary" because it should be published widely in order to elicit comment and critique from the user communities and their comments will be used to modify and improve the later final API specification. Accordingly a feedback process shall be described in this document.
This Group Specification shall be compatible with an example data model published at the same time (see Work Item MOD0), so that implementers of appropriate software can efficiently test and compare results and interoperability.  
Orange, NEC Europe Ltd, IMEC, TNO, Fiware Foundation 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
smart city
  Connecting Things
Official Journal
2020-04-27 guillemin Previous version V1.1.1 of GS CIM 004 preliminary API work was completed in April-2018 and the final NGSI-LD API is now instead standardized in GS CIM 009 "NGSI-LD API" that is now the Final API (named NGSI-LD API) normative reference.
2020-04-27 GUILLEMI TB adoption of WI CIM, see contribution CIM(20)000089
2020-04-27 GUILLEMI WI proposed to TB CIM, see contribution CIM(20)000089
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