2024-07-16 Version 2.3.3
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Details of 'DGR/SAI-003' Work Item

Work Item Has Been STOPPED

Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
in Charge
Standard Not
Ready For
  DGR/SAI-003 GR SAI 003   SAI_ISG
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Resume work (2023-05-22) 0.0.17   View Standstill Information 2019-10-23
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Martin Schneider Antoine Mouquet No
Title Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); Security Testing of AI
Security Testing of AI 
Scope and Field
of Application
The purpose of this work item is to identify methods and techniques that are appropriate for security testing of AI-based components. Security testing of AI has some commonalities with security testing of traditional systems but provides new challenges and requires different approaches, due to (a) significant differences between subsymbolic AI and traditional systems that have strong implications on their security and on how to test their security properties, (b) non-determinism since AI-based systems may evolve over time (self-learning systems) and security properties may degrade, (c) test oracle problem, assigning a test verdict is different and more difficult for AI-based systems since not all expected results are known a priori, and (d) data-driven algorithms: in contrast to traditional systems, (training) data forms the behaviour of subsymbolic AI.
The scope of this work item is to cover the following topics:
• security testing approaches for AI
• security test oracles for AI
• definition of test adequacy criteria for security testing of AI.

Cadzow Communications, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Huawei Tech.(UK) Co., Ltd, BT plc 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
  artificial intelligence
Official Journal
2023-03-04 cadzow TB approval proposal in contribution SAI(23)017013 was Accepted by SAI (see RC SAI(23)DEC016)
2023-02-14 cadzow Draft contributed - V 0.0.17 contributed for Decision in SAI(23)017013 as Stable draft
2023-02-12 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.17 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Added further descriptibe text and formulas where appropriate to clauses (Deepfool), (Fast Adaptive Boundary) and (SPSA-based attacks)
2022-07-16 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.16 contributed for Decision in SAI(22)014009 as Stable draft
2022-07-16 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.16 with status: Stable draft
2022-07-06 negura Draft contributed - V 0.0.15 contributed for Discussion in SAI(22)13e002r1 as Stable draft
2022-07-06 negura Stable draft proposal in contribution SAI(22)13e002 was Revised by SAI
2022-07-01 negura Draft contributed - V 0.0.15 contributed for Discussion in SAI(22)13e002 as Stable draft
2022-05-06   A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.15 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Additions to Clause 4.4 and some other minor changes
2022-03-30 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.14 contributed for Decision in SAI(22)013009 as Stable draft
2022-03-30 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.14 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Organized references according to ETSI guidelines
2022-01-30 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.13 contributed for Information in SAI(22)012018 as Early draft
2022-01-30 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.13 with status: Early draft - with comment: Addressed issues and added recommended topics as proposed by the comments to the present document. All clauses have been subject to revisions and extensions.
2021-06-22 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.12 contributed for Information in SAI(21)09a004 as Early draft
2021-06-22 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.12 with status: Early draft - with comment: Reorganized structure of clause 4
2021-06-21 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.11 contributed for Information in SAI(21)09a003 as Early draft
2021-06-21 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.11 with status: Early draft - with comment: Completed clause 4.2 with several new adversarial attack techniques and overview tables
2021-05-31 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.10 contributed for Information in SAI(21)009005 as Early draft
2021-05-31 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.10 with status: Early draft - with comment: Changed document type to group report, restructured document and adapted scope, added new clause 4.1.1 and new content to clause
2021-04-09 compans at SAI#8 on 29 March 2021, the ISG decided to change the WI to a GR.
2021-04-09 compans Early draft proposal in contribution SAI(21)008010 was Noted by SAI
2021-03-28 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.9 contributed for Information in SAI(21)008010 as Early draft
2021-03-28 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.9 with status: Early draft - with comment: Added and completed description for attacks in annex A.1.3 (basic iterative method, Carlini_Wagner attack, deepfool)
2021-01-25 compans Early draft proposal in contribution SAI(20)06b006 was Noted by SAI
2020-12-14 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.8 contributed for Discussion in SAI(20)06b006 as Early draft
2020-12-14 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.8 with status: Early draft - with comment: Introduced overview clause A. and new content to A.1.3.4 (JSMA)
2020-11-27 compans Early draft proposal in contribution SAI(20)006007 was Noted by SAI
2020-11-02 compans Early draft proposal in contribution SAI(20)05b003 was Noted by SAI
2020-10-27 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.7 contributed for Discussion in SAI(20)006007 as Early draft
2020-10-27 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.7 with status: Early draft - with comment: Inputs fo clauses A.1.3.1 and A.1.3.3
2020-10-12 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.6 contributed for Discussion in SAI(20)05b003 as Early draft
2020-10-12 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.6 with status: Early draft
2020-08-17 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.5 contributed for Discussion in SAI(20)04d004 as Early draft
2020-08-17 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.5 with status: Early draft - with comment: extended section A.2.2 Stop criteria
2020-07-21 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.4 contributed for Discussion in SAI(20)04b009 as Early draft
2020-07-21 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.4 with status: Early draft
2020-06-15 schneiderma Early draft proposal in contribution SAI(20)000007 was Revised by SAI
2020-06-15 schneiderma Status updated - V 0.0.3 with status: Early draft - with comment: clean version for publication
2020-06-09 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.3 contributed for Discussion in SAI(20)000007 as Early draft
2020-06-09 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.3 with status: Early draft
2020-03-30 schneiderma Draft contributed - V 0.0.2 contributed for Discussion in SAI(20)000006 as Early draft
2020-03-30 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.2 with status: Early draft - with comment: First Inputs to Annexes A and B.2
2020-02-19 schneiderma A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.1 with status: Early draft
2019-12-04 SCHNEIDE TB adoption of WI SAI, see contribution SAI(19)000002r2 in RC SAI(19)DEC002
2019-11-11 SCHNEIDE WI proposed to TB SAI, see contribution SAI(19)000002r2
2019-10-23 SCHNEIDE WI proposed to TB SAI, see contribution SAI(19)000002r1
2019-10-23 SCHNEIDE WI proposed to TB SAI, see contribution SAI(19)000002

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