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Details of 'DGR/ENI-0017-Data_Process_Mech' Work Item
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  DGR/ENI-0017-Data_Process_Mech GR ENI 009   ENI
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2021-06-08) 1.1.1 2021-06-08 View Standstill Information 2019-09-26
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  weiyuan li Christine Mera No
Title Experiential Networked Intelligence (ENI); Definition of data processing mechanisms
Data mechanisms 
Scope and Field
of Application
The present document defines a high-level framework of the data mechanism including data acquiring and processing supporting AI enabled network operation and maintenance, as well as service orchestration and management.
The realization of intelligent network depends on the big data, AI algorithms and computing resources. Therefore, effective data management and operation is extremely important. This work item is purposed to draft a GR of data mechanism to better serve ENI system.
The present document mainly covers the following aspects:
1.Data classification in terms of the data sources including Network management system, Network elements, servers, terminals and external environment data, data characteristics (static data, sequential data) and data format.
2.Data operation including data collection, data storage, data processing, data sharing and data management.
a)Data collection including description about collection modes, e.g. Pull (query/request response) and Push (publish/notify), and data collection techniques, e.g. telemetry.
b)Data storage including data storage recommendation and data storage platforms.
c)Data processing including data cleaning and data correlation.
d)Data sharing including data sharing and model sharing.
e)Data management including metadata management, data security management and data quality management.
3.Data acquisition and processing methods of the selected use cases proposed in ETSI GR ENI 001 [i.1] for ENI systems executing intelligent tasks.

Samsung R&D Institute UK, China Telecommunications, Huawei Tech.(UK) Co.. Ltd, Xilinx Ireland 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
  artificial intelligence
data collection
data management
data mechanism
data processing
data storage
network management
Official Journal
2021-05-17 mera TB approval proposal in contribution ENI(21)000012 was Accepted by ENI (see RC ENI(21)DEC071)
2021-05-17 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.13 contributed for Decision in ENI(21)000027 as Final draft for approval
2021-04-15 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.13 contributed for Information in ENI(21)000012 as Final draft for approval
2021-04-15 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.13 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: ISG approved at Call_176
2021-03-12 forbesra Status updated - V 0.0.12 with status: Stable draft
2021-03-10 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.12 contributed for Decision in ENI(21)017_049 as Early draft
2021-03-10 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.12 with status: Early draft - with comment: Complete review in the as Stability review in ENI_17
2020-12-10 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.11 contributed for Information in ENI(20)016_076 as Early draft
2020-12-10 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.11 with status: Early draft - with comment: stablilty review after ENI_16
2020-11-24 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.10 contributed for Information in ENI(20)016_011 as Early draft
2020-11-24 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.10 with status: Early draft - with comment: Compiled after Call_166, it seems ready to go to editHelp for checking, Stability review may be after ENI_16
2020-11-10 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.9 contributed for Information in ENI(20)000_175 as Early draft
2020-11-10 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.9 with status: Early draft - with comment: plan to have stability review 16 Nov-7 Dec
2020-09-17 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.8 contributed for Information in ENI(20)000_134 as Early draft
2020-09-17 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.8 with status: Early draft - with comment: Baseline after ENI_15
2020-09-01 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.7 contributed for Information in ENI(20)015_018 as Early draft
2020-08-18 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.7 contributed for Information in ENI(20)000_129 as Early draft
2020-08-18 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.7 with status: Early draft - with comment: output of call 155
2020-06-25 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.6 contributed for Information in ENI(20)000_077 as Early draft
2020-06-24 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.6 with status: Early draft - with comment: in ENI_14
2020-06-09 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.5 contributed for Information in ENI(20)014_009 as Early draft
2020-06-09 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.5 with status: Early draft - with comment: as approved in Call_151
2020-03-20 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.4 with status: Early draft - with comment: approved at ENI_13
2020-03-04 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.2 contributed for Decision in ENI(20)013_011 as Early draft
2020-03-04 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.3 with status: Early draft - with comment: After call_139
2020-02-19 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.2 contributed for Decision in ENI(20)000038 as Early draft
2019-12-12 korycinska A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.2 with status: Early draft - with comment: output draft from ENI_12 as in ENI(19)012_050
2019-11-26 forbesra Draft contributed - V 0.0.1 contributed for Decision in ENI(19)012_010 as Early draft
2019-11-12 forbesra A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.1 with status: Early draft - with comment: 000242r1 as agreed 1st baseline in call_126
2019-09-26 KORYCINS TB adoption of WI ENI, see contribution ENI(19)011_056
2019-09-26 KORYCINS WI proposed to TB ENI, see contribution ENI(19)011_056

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