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Details of 'DTR/SmartM2M-103675' Work Item
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STF Technical Body
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  DTR/SmartM2M-103675 TR 103 675 584 SmartM2M
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2020-12-23) 1.1.1 2020-12-23 View Standstill Information 2019-04-15
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Emmanuel Darmois Patrick Guillemin No
Title SmartM2M; AI for IoT: A Proof of Concept
Scope and Field
of Application
Detailed description of the use cases design and implementation; instructions for the (re-)creation of the prototypes from the selected framework and components; lessons learned. 
TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., Huawei Technologies Sweden AB, CommLedge, Sensinov, Nokia Belgium, BT plc 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
artificial intelligence
  Connecting Things
Official Journal
2020-10-28 darmoise Draft contributed - V 1.0.1 contributed for Decision in SmartM2M(20)000145 as Final draft for approval
2020-10-28 darmoise A new draft is uploaded - V 1.0.1 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-10-01 darmoise A new draft is uploaded - V 1.0.0 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-10-01 guillemin Draft file Deleted - Version 1.0.0 in file SmartM2M-103675v100.docx has been permanently deleted
2020-10-01 darmoise A new draft is uploaded - V 1.0.0 with status: Early draft
2020-09-25 darmoise Draft contributed - V 0.2.0 contributed for Decision in SmartM2M(20)000115 as Stable draft
2020-09-25 darmoise A new draft is uploaded - V 0.2.0 with status: Stable draft
2020-06-24 guillemin Early draft proposal in contribution SmartM2M(20)054016 was Accepted by SmartM2M
2020-06-03 darmoise Draft contributed - V 0.1.0 contributed for Decision in SmartM2M(20)054016 as Early draft
2020-06-03 darmoise A new draft is uploaded - V 0.1.0 with status: Early draft
2019-04-15 GUILLEMI TB adoption of WI SmartM2M, see contribution SmartM2M(19)000026
2019-04-15 GUILLEMI WI proposed to TB SmartM2M, see contribution SmartM2M(19)000026

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