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TS 103 530-1
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Publication (2018-01-11)
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Rapporteur |
Technical Officer |
Harmonised Standard |
Peter Schmitting
Helene Schmidt
Core Network and Interoperability Testing (INT); NAS Conformance Testing for the S1-MME interface; (3GPPTM Release 13); Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) PICS - NAS Conformance Testing for the S1-MME interface
Scope and Field of Application
Recently major efforts have been made by VoLTE component providers to inter-connect complete networks, i.e. connecting the single components that comprise a VoLTE network of different operators to allow seamless roaming for end customers and complete and reliable functionality for network providers. The S1-MME interface is a very important point for testing as it typically connects the radio components of one vendor to the MME of another vendor making flawless interworking of those components essential to the functioning of the network. Beside VoLTE the S1-MME interface is also of high importance for local small cell networks and new emerging technologies such as M2M communications. Following the methodologies developed and used by ETSI this implies the production of multi-part conformance test specification documents covering the both the static conformance review (PICS proforma) and the dynamic conformance review (Test Purposes, Abstract Test Suite). The result would be a complete set of test suites for both the S1AP and the NAS protocols. ETSI members have expressed their interest in test specifications related to the S1AP and NAS protocol as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 and ETSI TS 124 301 and also declared their willingness to review the outputs of this STF and in a later stage in a potential follow-up project provide ETSI with the possibility to validate the outputs of this STF against their network components (i.e. eNodeB and MME). See also list of supporting organisations.
Supporting Organizations
Telekom Austria AG, TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., Deutsche Telekom AG, Sintesio, Foundation