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Details of 'DEN/ERM-TGSRR-77' Work Item
Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
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  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2016-12-12) 1.1.1 2016-12-12 View Standstill Information 2015-06-18
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Sylvain Germaine Igor Minaev No View Transposition Data
Title Short Range Devices; Measurement Techniques for Automotive and Surveillance Radar Equipment
Measurement Techniques for Automotive and Surveillance Radar Devices 
Scope and Field
of Application
The purpose of the document is to summarize the available information about related conformance measurement methods with the corresponding parameters and principles. The document will be used as normative reference for HS under RE-D 
ROBERT BOSCH GmbH, JSConsulting, Great Circle Design, Hella, AUTOCRUISE S.A.S. 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Power Measurement
radio measurements
Official Journal
2016-07-25 butscheidt Draft contributed - V 1.0.2 contributed for Decision in ERM(16)59b013 as Draft Review after PE
2016-07-25 butscheidt A new draft is uploaded - V 1.0.2 with status: Draft Review after PE - with comment: The results of the resolution meeting: successful. The resolution meeting was during TG SRR_25.
2016-02-25 butscheidt Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERM(16)058028r1 was Accepted by ERM
2016-02-05 mahler Draft contributed - V 1.0.1 contributed for Decision in ERM(16)058028r1 as Final draft for approval
2016-02-05 mahler WG approval proposal in contribution ERM(16)058028 was Revised by ERM
2016-02-05 mahler A new draft is uploaded - V 1.0.1 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Editorial during TG SRR GoTo Meeting 4th of Feb
2016-01-22 mahler Stable draft proposal in contribution ERMTGSRR(16)023004 was Rejected by ERM TGSRR
2016-01-22 mahler Draft contributed - V 1.0.0 contributed for Decision in ERM(16)058028 as WG approval
2016-01-22 mahler Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMTGSRR(16)023006 was Accepted by ERM TGSRR
2016-01-22 mahler Draft contributed - V 1.0.0 contributed for Decision in ERMTGSRR(16)023006 as Final draft for approval
2016-01-22 mahler A new draft is uploaded - V 1.0.0 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Amended by TG SRR_23 for ENAP
2016-01-21 germaines Draft contributed - V 0.0.13 contributed for Decision in ERMTGSRR(16)023004 as Stable draft
2016-01-21 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.13 with status: Stable draft
2016-01-21 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.12 with status: Stable draft
2016-01-20 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.11 with status: Early draft
2016-01-14 germaines Early draft proposal in contribution ERMTGSRR(16)023001 was Withdrawn by ERM TGSRR
2016-01-14 germaines Draft contributed - V 0.0.10 contributed for Discussion in ERMTGSRR(16)023002 as Early draft
2016-01-14 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.10 with status: Early draft
2015-12-21 germaines Draft contributed - V 0.0.9 contributed for Discussion in ERMTGSRR(15)000017 as Early draft
2015-12-21 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.9 with status: Early draft - with comment: Drafting web-meeting output
2015-12-17 germaines Draft contributed - V 0.0.8 contributed for Discussion in ERMTGSRR(16)023001 as Early draft
2015-12-17 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.8 with status: Early draft - with comment: output TGSRR AdHoc 16-17 December
2015-12-15 germaines Draft contributed - V 0.0.7 contributed for Discussion in ERMTGSRR(15)000016 as Early draft
2015-12-15 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.7 with status: Early draft - with comment: Version of TGSRR Adhoc Day 1 (15 Dec.)
2015-12-14 germaines Draft contributed - V 0.0.6 contributed for Discussion in ERMTGSRR(15)000015 as Early draft
2015-11-30 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.6 with status: Early draft - with comment: Document cleaned-up green highlighted parts still need to be discussed, as well as Annex C.
2015-11-27 germaines A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.5 with status: Early draft - with comment: Output of webmeeting dated 27 Nov. 2015
2015-11-27 germaines Early draft proposal in contribution ERMTGSRR(15)000012 was Withdrawn by ERM TGSRR
2015-11-27 germaines Draft contributed - V 0.0.3 contributed for Discussion in ERMTGSRR(15)000013 as Early draft
2015-11-27 germaines Draft contributed - V 0.0.3 contributed for Discussion in ERMTGSRR(15)000012 as Early draft
2015-11-10 mahler A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.3 with status: Early draft
2015-10-29 mahler Draft contributed - V 0.0.2 contributed for Information in ERMTGSRR(15)022008 as Early draft
2015-10-29 mahler A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.2 with status: Early draft - with comment: outcome TG SRR_22
2015-07-22 MAHLER TB adoption of WI ERM, see contribution ERM(15)000010 in RC ERM(15)DEC249
2015-06-18 MAHLER WI proposed to TB ERM, see contribution ERM(15)000010
2015-06-18 MAHLER WI accepted by WG ERM TGSRR, see contribution ERMTGSRR(15)021003
2015-06-18 MAHLER WI proposed to WG ERM TGSRR, see contribution ERMTGSRR(15)021003

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