Scope and Field of Application
Total Conversation, as defined in ITU-T F.703, is a combination of three media in a conversational call: video, real-time text and audio. Total conversation services and terminals are deployed in the Internet in a number of countries in Europe, and adopted by people with disabilities who, for example, need video for sign language or real-time text for a text based conversation or as complement to a voice conversation. The objective of this Work Item is to define requirements, based on the backgroung described in TR 103 170, for using Total Conversation for emergency services and make access of emergency services possible to people with disabilities. The Work Item will mainly address the PSAP organisations and potential impact on overall organisations of emergency services. For example it should address functional requirements regarding the interface to the PSAP, the connection to external supporting services, the transferring and sharing of the call between call handling organisations, the call logging and call recording, call back aspects and specific call routing and location information provision aspects for these calls. Due consideration of present ongoing standardisation work (e.g. 3GPP) and appropriate liaisons with relevant groups (e.g. EGEA) will be organised as required during the progress of this Work Item.