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Details of 'DEN/AERO-00003' Work Item
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  DEN/AERO-00003 EN 303 214   AERO
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Citation in the OJ (2011-06-24) 1.1.1 2011-03-25 View Standstill Information 2009-06-23
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Klaus-Dieter Ehrhardt Andrea Lorelli No View Transposition Data
Title Data Link Services (DLS) System; Community Specification for application under the Single European Sky Interoperability Regulation EC 552/2004; Requirements for ground constituents and system testing
Data Link Services 
Scope and Field
of Application
Data link technology improves the efficiency of communications between controllers and pilots through supplementing voice communications with air-ground data link communications. On 30 September 2008 the Single Sky Committee has given a favourable opinion on the Implementing Rule on Data Link Services (DLS) in which the coordinated introduction of data link based on air-ground point-to-point data communications is described from 2011 onwards. The deployment of data link will also be the first major achievement that contributes to the first implementation package (IP1) of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan (the ATM Master Plan).
The Implementing Rule on Data Link Services (DLS) is requiring the following services that should be operated over an ATN (Aeronautical Communication Network( and VDL (Very High Frequency Digital Link) Mode 2 infrastructure:
1. DLIC - Data Link Initiation Capability (log on and contact)
2. ACM - Air Traffic Control (ATC) Communications Management
3. ACL - Air Traffic Control (ATC) Clearances
4. AMC - Air Traffic Control (ATC) Microphone Check
The related European standards will be developed in accordance with the implementing rule on data link services and in line with the EUROCONTROL Specification on Data Link Services.
DFS, SELEX Communications, BMWi, FRAPORT, Eurocontrol, CAA UK, DSNA 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Air Traffic Management
Official Journal
2011-06-24 C183/17  
2010-06-24 lorelli Status updated :
2010-06-24 lorelli A new draft is uploaded -
2010-06-24 lorelli A new draft is uploaded -
2010-06-21 ehrhardt A new draft is uploaded - (nearly complete) draft
2009-06-23 forina WI transferred from DEN/ERM-TG25-038
2009-02-17 minaev This WI was approved by ERM TG25#31 at their meeting on 17/02/2009.
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