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Details of 'DTR/SEC-004010' Work Item
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  DTR/SEC-004010 TR 102 030 178 SEC ESI
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2002-03-26) 1.1.1 2002-03-26   2000-12-06
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Richard Wilsher Gerry Mc Auley No
Title Provision of harmonized Trust Service Provider status information
Provision of harmonized Trust Service Provider status information 
Scope and Field
of Application
Draft: This task is to provide recommendations for the support of a relying party to verify that the issuer of a received certificate can be trusted at the time of the transaction.

Current EESSI work will ensure that the party relying on a certificate (e.g. the recipient of a signed contract or payment order) receives sufficient information to control the validity of the certificate. There are also standards supporting uniform ways to carry out such control.

However, it is far more difficult to check whether the issuing CSP is OK at the time of the actual transaction: the CSP may have gone out of business or failed to pass the latest audit, etc. This type of information has to be provided by a third party, independent of the signer of the transaction or the issuer of the certificate in question. The importance of this information is particularly high for cross-domain and cross-border, international transactions. Currently proposed national schemes for the provision of status information about CSPs are not being harmonized, neither are the protocols and formats used for retrieving such information by the relying party. Such a procedure needs to interface to the technical as well as to the accreditation framework, which may be the reason why the problem has not been addressed yet in a consistent and harmonised way. The proposed work item should address both aspects and identify the necessary procedural and technical features. 
Bull (FR), Deutsche Telekom (DE), TAC (FI), Telenor (NO), Telia (SE) 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
trust services
Electronic Signatures
NGN6: Security
Official Journal
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