2024-07-03 Version 2.3.3
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Details of 'RGR/NFV-IFA046ed521' Work Item
Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
in Charge
Standard Not
Ready For
  RGR/NFV-IFA046ed521 GR NFV-IFA 046   NFV IFA
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Early draft (2024-06-26) 5.1.2 Draft   View Standstill Information 2023-12-11
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Kostas Katsalis Antoine Mouquet No
Title Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 5; Architectural Framework; Report on NFV support for virtualisation of RAN
Scope and Field
of Application
This revision of NFV-IFA 046 continues the study analysis of the feature of NFV support for vRAN. This edition will further profile ETSI NFV specified features and capabilities considering the most recent developments in normative and informative work performed in Release 4 and 5, including but not limited to: PaaS services management, automation in NFV, physical infrastructure management, network connectivity requirements for vRAN and certificate management.
The scope of the former edition (v5.1.1) is summarized hereafter:
GR NFV-IFA 046 analyses the NFV framework to determine how it can further support virtualised RAN (vRAN) use cases. Several key technical challenges are identified relevant to architectural, operational and management aspects, in case the NFV architectural framework is leveraged to support virtualisation of the RAN. For each technical challenge a detailed analysis is provided, together with a description of potential solutions. Potential gaps in ETSI NFV specifications are articulated and a comparison between the different potential solutions is also accommodated. In addition, an analysis of vRAN use cases from relevant specifications from other SDOs is performed, together with a mapping to the current NFV concepts supported by the NFV architectural framework. GR NFV-IFA 046 also provides recommendations for enhancements to the NFV architectural framework and its functionality, aiming to provide further support for vRAN use cases.
Orange, PT PORTUGAL SGPS SA, NEC Europe Ltd, ZTE Corporation, DOCOMO Communications Lab. 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Official Journal
2024-06-26 katsalisk A new draft is uploaded - V 5.1.2 with status: Early draft
2023-12-19 Nicolae Madalin Neag TB adoption of WI NFV, see contribution NFV(23)000319r2
2023-12-15 katsalis WI proposed to WG NFV IFA, see contribution NFV(23)000319r2
2023-12-13 katsalis WI proposed to WG NFV IFA, see contribution NFV(23)000319r1
2023-12-11 katsalis WI proposed to TB NFV, see contribution NFV(23)000319

Specific aspects
  Security/Privacy aspects
Aspects comments The WI might analyze if there is any specific security aspect of NFV support for vRAN.
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