2024-07-03 Version 2.3.3
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Details of 'RTS/ITS-001963' Work Item
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  RTS/ITS-001963 TS 103 300-3   ITS WG1
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2023-02-06) 2.2.1 2023-02-06   2022-09-16
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Michelle Wetterwald Andrea Lorelli No
Title Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) awareness; Part 3: Specification of VRU awareness basic service; Release 2
VRU basic service 
Scope and Field
of Application
1- Align the content of TS 103 300-3 with CDD Release 2 (TS 102 894-2 V2.1.1), including revision of clause 7 and deletion of annex F (other clauses may be impacted).
2- Integrate the error corrections approved on the TS until start of work 
Volkswagen AG, LG Electronics France, FBConsulting S.A.R.L., Intel Deutschland GmbH, VICI, BMLRT 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Official Journal
2023-01-24 lorelli WG approval proposal in contribution ITS(23)049017r1 was Accepted by ITS
2023-01-24 lorelli Draft contributed - V 0.0.4 contributed for Decision in ITS(23)049017r1 as WG approval
2023-01-24 lorelli WG approval proposal in contribution ITS(23)049017 was Revised by ITS
2023-01-24 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.5 with status: Final draft for approval
2023-01-17 buburuzan Draft contributed - V 0.0.4 contributed for Decision in ITS(23)049017 as WG approval
2023-01-17 buburuzan Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ITSWG1(23)062002 was Accepted by ITS WG1
2022-12-16 wetterwald Draft contributed - V 0.0.4 contributed for Decision in ITSWG1(23)062002 as Final draft for approval
2022-12-16 wetterwald A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.4 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: V0.0.4_2.2.1
2022-12-09 wetterwald Draft contributed - V 0.0.3 contributed for Discussion in ITSWG1(22)000263 as Early draft
2022-12-09 wetterwald A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.3 with status: Early draft - with comment: V0.0.3_2.2.1
2022-12-01 lorelli Stable draft proposal in contribution ITSWG1(22)000215 was Noted by ITS WG1 (see RC ITSWG1(22)DIS076)
2022-10-31 lorelli Draft contributed - V 0.0.2 contributed for Discussion in ITSWG1(22)000215 as Stable draft
2022-10-28 wetterwald A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.2 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Draft submitted for comments by ITS WG1. Editorial changes still ongoing
2022-10-28 BUBURUZA TB adoption of WI ITS, see contribution ITS(22)048033
2022-10-25 BUBURUZA WI proposed to WG ITS WG1, see contribution ITS(22)048033
2022-10-25 BUBURUZA WI accepted by WG ITS WG1, see contribution ITSWG1(22)061005r1
2022-10-25 BUBURUZA WI proposed to WG ITS WG1, see contribution ITSWG1(22)061005r1
2022-09-16 WETTERWA WI proposed to WG ITS WG1, see contribution ITSWG1(22)061005
Displaying Item 5 of 17...

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