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Details of 'DTS/PLT-00038' Work Item
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  DTS/PLT-00038 TS 103 901   PLT
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2015-06-24) 1.1.1 2015-06-24   2012-02-23
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Mark Buckland Bernt Mattsson No
Title PowerLine Telecommunications (PLT); Coexistence of Narrow Band PLT technologies operating in the frequency bands 3kHz to 95 kHz, 95 kHz to 125 kHz and 125 kHz to 140 kHz; [IEEE Std 1901.2TM - 2013, IEEE Standard for Low-Frequency (less than 500 kHz) Narrowband Power Line Communications for Smart grid Applications, Section 10 Coexistence]
Co-exist. of NB PLT in the Cenelec A, B and C bands 
Scope and Field
of Application
Coexistence of existing Narrow Band PLT technologies operating in the Cenelec A, B and C bands. At least the following technologies will be considered are ITU G.9955 Annex A and B, ITU G.9956 Annex A and B, ETSI TS 103 908 and IEC 61334.
Sagemcom SAS, Echelon Corporation, Freescale Semiconductor, ESNA 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Smart Grid
  Home & Office
Official Journal
2015-04-10 mattsson TB approval proposal in contribution PLT(14)000048 was Accepted by PLT (see RC PLT(15)DEC006)
2014-09-15 mattsson Draft contributed - V 0.0.4 contributed for Decision in PLT(14)000048 as Final draft for approval
2014-09-15 mattsson A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.4 with status: Final draft for approval
2013-03-18 mattsson Updated (if any) per PLT#67
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