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Details of 'DTS/MCD-00013' Work Item
Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
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  DTS/MCD-00013 TS 102 990   MCD CDN-I
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2012-11-02) 1.1.1 2012-11-02   2010-03-10
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Oskar Van Deventer Chantal Bonardi No
Title Media Content Distribution (MCD); CDN Interconnection, use cases and requirements
CDN Interconnection 
Scope and Field
of Application
Describing CDN interconnection Use cases and necessary CDN - CDN protocol choice to make interconnection possible, this work will result in a MCD CDN-CDN profile, reusing as much as possible existing protocols to enable identified use cases and business models.
Part of the work will be to complete the interconnection chapter of the CDI Working group. 
KPN, TNO, ZTE and Samsung 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
  Content delivery
Official Journal
2012-10-02 chantal bona TB approval proposal in contribution MCD(12)15_003 was Accepted by MCD
2012-09-09 compans V 0.0.12 contributed in BOARDE2NA(12)03_018 as Final draft for approval
2012-09-04 bonardi V 0.0.12 contributed in MCD(12)15_003 as Final draft for approval
2012-06-28 vandeventer A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.12 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Removal of editor's notes, ready for approval.
2012-04-19 chantal bona Stable draft proposal in contribution MCD(11)0055 was Noted by MCD
2012-04-10 chantal bona Stable draft proposal in contribution MCD(12)13_008 was Noted by MCD
2012-03-08 bonardi V 0.0.11 contributed in MCD(12)13_008 as Stable draft
2012-03-02 vandeventer V 0.0.11 contributed in MCDCDN-I(12)05_007 as Stable draft
2012-03-02 vandeventer A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.11 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Accepted MCDCDN-I_5 contributions added: MCDCDN-I(12)05_004r1_Use_case_From_FP7_OCEAN.docx MCDCDN-I(12)05_005_ICN_relevance_from_FP7_COMET.docx MCDCDN-I(12)05_006r3_Use_c...
2011-11-14 vandeventer V 0.0.10 contributed in MCDCDN-I(11)0040 as Stable draft
2011-11-09 vandeventer V 0.0.10 contributed in MCD(11)0055 as Stable draft
2011-11-09 vandeventer A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.10 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Accepted MCDCDN-I-TS 102 990 Confcall contributions added
2011-10-04 bonardi Stable draft proposal in contribution MCD(11)0044 was Noted by MCD
2011-09-28 vandeventer V 0.0.9 contributed in MCDCDN-I(11)0038 as Stable draft
2011-09-28 vandeventer A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.9 with status: Stable draft
2011-09-01 vandeventer A new draft is uploaded - Accepted_MCDCDN-I-TS_102_990_Confcall_contributions_added: MCDCDN-I(11)0022r1_CR_WI00013_CDN-I_Guiding__Principles.docx MCDCDN-I(11)0020r1_WI00013_CDN-I_List_of_Editors_Notes.docx Handling_ETSI_EditHelp_comments
2011-06-14 bonardi A new draft is uploaded - Accepted_contributions_added_from_CDN-I_2_meeting: MCDCDN-I(11)0016 MCDCDN-I(11)0018r1
2011-04-28 vandeventer A new draft is uploaded - Corrections_of_V0.0.5
2011-04-14 bonardi A new draft is uploaded -
2011-04-14 bonardi A new draft is uploaded -
2010-08-05 bonardi A new draft is uploaded -
  Displaying Item 1 of 9...

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