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Details of 'DTR/MCD-00010' Work Item
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  DTR/MCD-00010 TR 102 794   MCD
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2010-12-10) 1.1.1 2010-12-10   2010-01-05
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Walter Dees Chantal Bonardi No
Title Media Content Distribution (MCD); 3D Gaming Graphics Delivery Overview
3D gaming graphics delivery 
Scope and Field
of Application
Carry out a requirement study on the standardization requirements for 3D Gaming Graphics Delivery. The advantage will be that an ETSI MCD view on the topic is created. It also positions the ETSI MCD community for actual standardization.
The TR includes Use cases, requirements, overview of potential solutions and a gap analysis.
Options for the actual delivery include the specification of a transport protocol for streaming OpenGL-ES 2.0 primitives over a TCP connection or streaming of specialized 3D models.
The TR's conclusions should assist in the definition of a new Work Items provided this is necessary and ETSI MCD is the right body. (A decision on a TS is then taken only if the gap analysis is positive). 
Philips; Thomson; Portugal Telecom; VTT  


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
  Content delivery
Official Journal
2010-08-10 dees A new draft is uploaded -
2010-07-09 dees A new draft is uploaded -
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