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Details of 'DTR/MCD-00008' Work Item
Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
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  DTR/MCD-00008 TR 102 688-9   MCD
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2013-07-09) 1.1.1 2013-07-09   2010-01-05
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Julien Maisonneuve Chantal Bonardi No
Title Media Content Distribution (MCD); MCD framework; Part 9: Content Delivery Infrastructures (CDI)
Content Distribution Infrastructure 
Scope and Field
of Application
The scope of the Content Delivery Infrastructures work item is to assess the domain of Content Delivery Infrastructures, to identify and classify existing or upcoming solutions and the related standards. The scope should cover Internet Content Distribution as well as operator content distribution in fixed and mobile scenarii and remain architecture-neutral to best serve the largest possible set of target architectures.
The goal of this document is not to provide a specification, but it can precise what constraints the generality goal will impose on specifications. The report should pay attention to the work already started in this domain outside MCD and indicate their suitability to the specified objectives.
FREEBOX; KPN; OFCOM; Alcatel-Lucent; Thomson 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
  Content delivery
Official Journal
2012-09-20 bonardi Waiting for publication for Rapporteur's few edits
2012-04-19 chantal bona TB approval proposal in contribution MCD(11)0049r2 was Noted by MCD
2011-09-20 bonardi At MCD#11 it was decided to go for approval by correspondence, within 2 weeks, after the meeting.
2011-09-19 bonardi Status updated :
2011-09-15 maisonneuvej A new draft is uploaded -
2011-09-12 maisonneuvej A new draft is uploaded -
2010-12-15 bonardi A new draft is uploaded - Ouput further MCD#8 comments
2010-12-02 maisonneuvej A new draft is uploaded -
2010-09-09 maisonneuvej A new draft is uploaded -
2010-08-05 bonardi Status updated :
2010-08-05 bonardi A new draft is uploaded -
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