2024-09-19 Version 2.3.3
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All Active Work Items For Current Status: From 'WI creation' Up to 'End of pre-processing' Matching One of The Keywords 'DSRC'
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Doc. Nb. TS 102 792 Ver. 1.2.3
Ref. RTS/ITS-00448
Technical Body: ITS WG4
Details and Download
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS);
Mitigation techniques to avoid interference between European CEN Dedicated Short Range Communication (CEN DSRC) equipment and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) operating in the 5 GHz frequency range

Mitigation DSRC ITS
Drafting Stage
Current Status:
Early draft (2023-10-09)
Next Status:
Stable draft (2024-10-09)
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