2024-09-18 Version 2.3.3
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Doc. Nb. EN 303 919 Ver. 0.0.4
Ref. DEN/EMTEL-00067
Technical Body: EMTEL
Directives: (EU) 2019/882 , 2016/2102/EU
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Emergency Communications (EMTEL);
Harmonised Standard for the Accessibility and interoperability of emergency communications and for the answering of emergency communications by the public safety answering points (PSAPs) (including to the single European Emergency number 112)

Drafting Stage
Current Status:
Mature draft sent to EC and/or recog.Org

Next Status:
EC Assessment Received

Doc. Nb. EN 301 549 Ver. 0.0.3
Ref. REN/HF-00301561
Technical Body: HF
Directives: (EU) 2019/882 , 2016/2102/EU
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Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services
Version 4.1.1 EN 301549

Revision of EN 301 549 v.3.2.1
Drafting Stage
Current Status:
Stable draft (2024-09-16)
Next Status:
Mature draft sent to EC and/or recog.Org

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